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Kalleth Grimcursed

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Kalleth Grimcursed Empty Kalleth Grimcursed

Post  synapse8193 Tue Aug 17, 2010 7:26 pm

Kalleth Grimcursed
10th level Warblade
SPD: 35 ft. (7 squares, 6+1i)

Str; 20 (18+2i), 5 (i=belt of giant’s strength)
Dex; 14 (14), 2
Con; 18 (14+2+2i), 4 (i=amulet of health)
Int; 20 (16+2+2i), 5 (i=headband of intellect)
Wis; 12 (12), 1
Cha; 10 (10), 0

HP 141

Fort 11 (7+4)
Ref 10 (3+2+5c)
Will 6 (3+1+2f)

22 (10+2+10)
22 (10+2+10)
12 (10+2+0)

BAB, +10/+5
Str mod, +5
1.5x Str mod, +7
Masterwork weapon, +1
Weapon Focus, +1

17/12 one-handed, 16/11 no focus, 13/8 no proficiency, 12/7 neither
19/14 two-handed, 18/13 no focus, 15/10 no proficiency, 14/9 neither

Class Features and Feats
1. Battle Clarity – Add Int mod to Ref while not flat-footed; Weapon Aptitude – Take one hour every morning to change weapon focus
2. Uncanny Dodge – Never denied Dex bonus to AC do to being flat-footed
3. Battle Ardor – Add Int bonus to confirm critical hits
6. Improved Uncanny Dodge – Cannot be flanked
7. Battle Cunning – Gain Int mod bonus to damage against flanked and flat-footed opponents

1. Adaptive Style - Change readied maneuvers as full round action
H1. Jack of All Trades - ranks = to 1/2 level in all untrained skills. May make any skill check untrained.
H2. Iron Will - +2 Will
3. Improved Initiative - +4 initiative
B5. Weapon Focus (bastard sword)
6. Martial Stance – Absolute Steel Stance
9. Quick Draw
B9. Martial Stance – Dancing Blade Form

Maneuvers – recovered as a swift action
1. Sapphire Nightmare Blade*, Stone Bones*, Leading the Attack
2. Steel Wind
3. Mountain Hammer
4r. Stone Vise (replaces Steel Wind)
5. Bone Crusher
7. Death From Above*
8r. White Raven Strike (replaces Mountain Hammer)*
9. Elder Mountain Hammer*

1. Punishing Stance
4. Blood in the Water
6f. Absolute Steel Stance
9f. Dancing Blade Form
10. Giant’s Stance

Magic Items
Amulet of Health, +2; 1000
Belt of Giant’s Strength, +2; 1000
Boots of Striding and Springing, +5 speed, +4 jump
Headband of Intellect, +2; 1000
Mithral Fullplate Armor, +10 Armor Bonus; Restful Crystal, SR 17 (+4); 16000
Mwk bastard sword; eager, ghost touch, ghost strike, morphing; 8000

+8 (2 Dex + 4 Imp. Init. + 2 eag.)

All Trained Skills, 13 ranks
All Untrained Skills, 5 ranks

Passive Skills
Hide, +7, Passive 17
Listen, +6, Passive 16
Sense Motive, +6, Passive 16
Spot, +6, Passive 16
Move Silently, +4, Passive 14

Skill Bonuses
Appraise (Int)
10 (5+5)
*-Balance (Dex)
14 (15+2-3)
Bluff (Cha)
5 (5+0)
*-Climb (Str)
15 (13+5-3)
*Concentration (Con)
16 (13+3)
*Craft (Int)
18 (13+5)
Decipher Script (Int)
10 (5+5)
*Diplomacy (Cha)
13 (13+0)
Disable Device
10 (5+5)
5 (5+0)
Escape Artist (Dex)
7 (5+2)
Forgery (Int)
10 (5+5)
Gather Information
5 (5+0)
Handle Animal
5 (5+0)
Heal (Wis)
6 (5+1)
Hide (Dex)
7 (5+2)
*Intimidate (Cha)
13 (13+0)
*Jump (Str)
15 (13+5-3)
Knowledge (arcana) (Int)
10 (5+5)
Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int)
10 (5+5)
*Knowledge (history) (Int)
18 (13+5)
*Knowledge (local) (Int)
18 (13+5)
*Knowledge (martial) (Int)
18 (13+5)
Knowledge (nature) (Int)
10 (5+5)
Knowledge (nobility) (Int)
10 (5+5)
Knowledge (religion) (Int)
10 (5+5)
Listen (Wis)
6 (5+1)
Move Silently (Dex)
4 (5+2-3)
Profession (soldier) (Int)
10 (5+5)
Ride (Dex)
4 (5+2-3)
Search (Int)
10 (5+5)
Sense Motive (Wis)
6 (5+1)
Sleight of Hand
7 (5+2)
Spellcraft (Int)
10 (5+5)
Spot (Wis)
6 (5+1)
*Swim (Str)
12 (13+5-6)
*Tumble (Dex)
12 (13+2-3)
Use Magic Item (Cha)
5 (5+0)
Use Rope (Dex)
7 (5+2)


Posts : 115
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
Hit Points:
Kalleth Grimcursed Left_bar_bleue97/141Kalleth Grimcursed Empty_bar_bleue  (97/141)

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