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Organizations and Metahuman Teams

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Organizations and Metahuman Teams Empty Organizations and Metahuman Teams

Post  synapse8193 Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:01 pm

Blackthorne and Cross
The PMC that has largely left to enforce laws created to regulate metahuman activity. It is an arm of Dynasty International Solutions, Inc. and DIS is its only customer besides the federal government and wealthier regional and city governments. Blackthorne and Cross is the sole group trained and equipped with the Dynasty MB MARK III.

The Brotherhood of the Cleansing Flame
[/center]A sect of fundamentalists with vaguely Christian dogma which believes that the sudden appearance of metahumans in the world is a sign of the coming apocalypse. They hold metas not only to be the heralds of the end of days, but also the means to bring it about, physical instruments of God's will on earth. As such, the Brotherhood holds metas as holy men, and take the mistreatment of metas as sacrilegious.

Dynasty International Solutions, Incorporated
The largest corporation in the world, owing the vast majority of its wealth to military contracts. The founder and CEO of Dynasty Internation Solutions, Inc. is Elijah Dunn, a robotics specialist who was instrumental in the design of the government's newest MB MARK II "Meta-Buster" powered armor.

The Guardian Angels
The world is not sure what to make of the Guardian Angels. They call themselves the Guardian Angels, and some people herald them as such, but many other people see what they do as tyranny and self-gratification. The Angels are devoted to a single ideal: creating Utopia. They even agree on what that Utopia should be. The problem is that they don't only dispatch the villains and crimelords that stand in their way, but also the authorities, and the supers, and even the civilians bold enough to stand against them. Despite the fact that many do not agree with Angels' methods or even their vision of the perfect world, the Guardian Angels have excellent PR, able to spin not only villains in a negative light, but "corrupt" authorities, supers with "unnecessary hero-complexes" who are "unwilling to contribute to real change," and "unruly" civilians. Because of this, the public is divided as to whether their cosmically powered saviors, or despotic and tyrannical villains. Not only are the Guardian Angels' leadership members of the Guardian Angels, but a plethora of like-minded though less powerful members dubbed the Order of the Seraphim carry out their orders.

The Syndicate
The largest, most powerful organized crime ring in history, the Syndicate's reach is already global since rumors of its emergence as a prominent force to be reckoned with in the organized crime scene only months ago, leading many to believe it uses carefully controlled and regulated metahuman activity to keep its projects running and under the radar. It is so good at this that many believe the Syndicate to be a myth. Only government enforcement entities tasked specifically with taking down the Syndicate and the rare gangbanger or mafioso to come into contact with the Syndicate and live are certain that the thing exists. The Syndicate is run by seven crime lords, each of whom controls a different arm of the business. Who these crime lords are and what their capabilities might be is a matter of pure speculation.

The Synthetics
A group of what can only be described as techno-phile terrorists, the Synthetics are so called because each of them has at least one non-biological component. The Synthetics value scientific advancement and technological achievement above all things. All members of the Synthetics must swear an oath to actively do all of the following: 1) to coerce or eliminate those in the way of scientific advancement of any kind (that includes politicians, activists, government agencies, non-profits and private companies, religious organizations, etc.); 2) to advance technology as quickly, efficiently, and masterfully as possible; 3) to eliminate inefficiencies in current technologies and how people use/market them. This leads to a group that's just as likely to forcibly upgrade a power plant to reduce its emissions and increase its productivity as to kidnap humans on whom to test any number of drugs or inventions.

The Four Horsemen
A group of metas whose powers and appearances have been interpreted by many as embodiments of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. The is a view that seems to be held by one of the four horsemen, Death himself, or so he seems to think, whose old name and identity before E-Day are a mystery.

EDITS: I will include more and different teams and organizations as I or you come up with them.

Last edited by synapse8193 on Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:49 pm; edited 5 times in total

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Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
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Organizations and Metahuman Teams Empty Re: Organizations and Metahuman Teams

Post  Jolly Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:32 pm

The head of the Synthetics should be a person who has turned his entire body into a machine and who has digitized his personality, allowing him to upload his mind into a variety of robotic bodies. Because his physical form is no longer living and his consciousness is separate from his body but still destructable, he's called The Lich.

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Organizations and Metahuman Teams Empty Re: Organizations and Metahuman Teams

Post  synapse8193 Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:15 pm

Done. Totally awesome idea. And my the havoc he shall reap.

Posts : 115
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
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