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Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Red Ninja
Night Breed
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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  synapse8193 Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:53 am

Kalleth feels the hum in his head...easing his mind. He idly wonders whether he was closer to the mark than he thought in thinking that the dungeon was going to drive them into some sort of blissful insanity. At the very least it had driven him to madness-level paranoia. He chuckles to himself, rubbing his hands together.

Okay, he says, cheerfully. Stand back. He raises his sword to a ready position. Just in case. Taking a mighty swing, he lops the head off of the sitting skeleton. He laughs. That was fun, and hopefully that guy won't be standing up. Turning, he strides quickly and confidently to the standing skeleton, and raising his sword, takes a mighty swing. He hits the skeleton, but the swing doesn't take its head off as he had expected, as soon as the sword passes through the neck, the neck stops moving, no more force to carry it. He slowly cocks his head to the left, scrunching his face into a curious expression. Well that's.........weird.

Posts : 115
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
Hit Points:
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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Red Ninja Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:28 am

Feeling the calming buzz enter his mind Veraun immediately falls into a semi-meditative state hoping for clarity. This is all mildly odd. Im not entirely sure this was a good idea but... Veraun's sentence is cut off by a clang and his head whips to the side white hair billowing out. That gentlemen... does NOT sound promising, my guess Kalleth, theres a big dog waiting to maul you for messing with dinner. Veraun backs into the nearest corner suddenly aware how vulnerable a "blissfully content" elf can be. Snapping his fingers he calls twin orbs of flame to his hands in preparation.
Red Ninja
Red Ninja

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Join date : 2010-08-12

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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  synapse8193 Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:20 pm

Kalleth laughs. Now listen who's all hesitant. Mighty Veraun. The loud bang silences him briefly, then he laughs again at Veraun's comment. Nah. I've already been mauled by a big dog remember? It's your turn. And besides, I left him the big, chewable bones. For all you know he likes his bones warm and, eh, hollow. He cautiously approaches the door, blade up. Shall we away then? Find a good place to hold up. Without waiting for an answer, he positions himself to the side of the door and kicks the bar off the door. Time to go!

Posts : 115
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
Hit Points:
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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  IntheShadows Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:30 pm

Unsheathing and whipping to the ready his two lethal blades, Lucca licks his lips, the liquid from Kalleth's flask (that Lucca graciously accepted when a swig was offered earlier) still lingering and warm.

He posts himself near Veraun in a defensive pose.

He hadn't a thought or a care really about the awkwardly pristine paper, nor the corpse or the skeletons...his curiosity was more on the lack of gravity or pull on the skeleton to last felt Kalleth's wrath. The skull not toppling but merely being severed, spinning, and ultimately holding it's position atop the body was odd indeed.

Hmph! Let us see what more this dungeon has in store for us! Lucca says in a low voice, an excited - almost giddy yet mischievous smile on his face. His deep blue eyes narrowed at the door.

Posts : 26
Join date : 2010-11-05

Character sheet
Name: Allil FearGhail
Class and Level: Rogue
Hit Points:
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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Jolly Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:58 am

Kalleth kicks open the door to reveal a dark, dank tunnel curving to the right. He motions the others to follow as he creeps inside- it would appear that this segment of the dungeon is letting in moisture and foul smelling mud. The path extends about 50 ft before coming to a much wider hallway, partially illuminated by the faint blue glow of a crystal hanging from the ceiling in a metal pan, creating a crude chandelier of sorts. This hall way seems to split into three directions- the central pathway is choked by debris and mud, making passage impossible, while two other halls branch off to the left and right.

More noticeable, however, are the several golden sarcophagi, similar to the one you found Shuun in standing upright against the wall- except for one, which you notice is laying face down. You suspect that the bang heard earlier was the sound of that casket falling.

Spot DC 25

Listen DC 23


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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  synapse8193 Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:57 am

SPOT: 27

Kalleth sneered into the empty room. Empty? Disappointing. A thump means a body. A body means it can be killed...well, usually. The sooner they killed everything in this damn dungeon the sooner they could get out of here. Suddenly he saw it; the source of the bang. But why would a casket simply fall over in an empty room? He looked around in the gloom, trying to see what would have knocked the casket over. Approaching cautiously, he did as thorough an examination of the fallen sarcophagus as he could from behind the sword that he was sure had been permanently readied since before they found Shuun, noting that the ground beside it had the shimmer of ground that had been wet. Not seeing or hearing (how could he, traipsing around in a suit of wet full armor?) anything he turned to the others. Right or left?

Posts : 115
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
Hit Points:
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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Jolly Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:17 am

Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Room_211

Green outlined spaces are the spaces currently occupied by the ooze. Blue dots are sarcophogi. You can enter those spaces, but doing so counts as 2 spaces of movment. You have cover (+2 AC and +1 Reflex) while in one of those spaces.

Kalleth approaches the casket cautiously, slowly, blade ready. He kneels down and feels the ground- moist. He looks down both hallways, furrows his brow, then looks back to his companions for their advice.

Right or left?

All of them seem to be giving him an odd stare.


Bard gestures for him to look behind him- three tendrils of thick viscous slime have seeped out of cracks and fissures in the casket and stand up into the air like cobras. Kalleth looks back to his companions.

I fucking hate you all...

DM NOTE: Well that was easier than I had anticipated!

The back of the casket explodes and a wave of black ooze surges forth, ensnaring Kalleth in acidic tendrils and tethers, dissolving and digesting him on contact.

Dungeoneering DC 20


Dungeoneering DC 24-Kalleth only

Dungeoneering DC 28-Kalleth only

Kalleth takes 13 acid damage. He is currently grabbed by the ooze- he takes ongoing 10 acid damage while grabbed and is immobilized, but can still attack. You can make a DC 19 STR check to break free at the end of your turn or a DC 20 Escape Artist check. Adjacent allies can spend a minor action to make a DC 12 STR check to help Kalleth free, giving him +2 to the check. Failing this check results in 3 acid damage to the would-be helper.

For what it's worth, the hum inside Kalleth's mind is a bit more pleasant since he did move further into the dungeon.

DM NOTE: First fell taints, now oozes?! Muhahaha!

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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Red Ninja Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:19 am

And thats why i never go first. Veraun mutters moving around his stunned companions. With a minor flick of his hands and a few soft words muttered Veraun cast Ray of Frost at the base of the slime.

Atk - 16

Dmg - 3
Red Ninja
Red Ninja

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Join date : 2010-08-12

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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  synapse8193 Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:46 am

Stance: Giant's Stance
Maneuver: Elder Mountain Hammer, +6d6 damage, overcomes DR and hardness
Attack: 26
Damage: 44

Kalleth takes a deep, angry breath, falling into as close to a working stance as he can manage in the tendrils of the ooze. With a primal roar he swings his sword mightily at the ooze. Taking the opportunity to worm his way out of the giant hole he'd made in the thing, Kalleth begins flailing and trying to pry his way out of the ooze. In his writhing, his eye catches the glowing of a fell taint manifesting down the hallway. Oh, hell no. Not again. Kalleth lets out another mighty roar of effort and peels himself from the ooze a limb at a time, swearing the whole way, too frustrated even to fall back into his native draconic.

Well, none of you fucking assholes were looking at anything. Hate you bastards. And filthy freakin, fiend-cavorting drow should gutchoo right now. He ends his half-muttered grumbling with a frustrated yell. What is this thing, and how do I kill it? No, on second thought...you kill it. We've got fell taints down the hall. When they get down here, the ugly one's a magus. It makes the little ones more dangerous. Take it out!

Posts : 115
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
Hit Points:
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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Jolly Sat Mar 19, 2011 8:55 am

Turn 2 Map


Green-outlined space = ooze
Green square with black dot = oozeling
Purple with dots 1-2 = Iridess
Purple with 3 dots = Magus

DM NOTE: Veraun moves to D5, the closest space where he can attack the ooze.

The ooze absorbs the brunt of Kalleth's attack, his blade finding it difficult to serious injure the slime. As he hacks a globule of black slime falls to the ground beside him- and writhes to life.

Down the hallway three fell taints manifest. One is a disgusting thing, polypous which needle-toothed maws and thick, ropy tongues- the magus. Two more appear as faintly shimmering, feathery jellyfish with a noticeable iridescent sheen to them.

Dungeoneering DC 24

Dungeoneering DC 28

Dungeoneering DC 28


Last edited by Jolly on Sat Mar 26, 2011 7:16 am; edited 2 times in total

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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  synapse8193 Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:33 pm

Initiative: 25
Regain Maneuvers
Maneuver: Elder Mountain Hammer - +6d6, overcomes DR and hardness
Attack: 32
Damage: 40

Oh son of a....gods dammit! I'm not going to be able to do anything to this thing. Magic on the oozes.... He tucked and rolled away from the ooze and deeper into the halls of the dungeon, to the magus. He came out of the maneuver right in front of the magus, ending in a brief sword flourish to take some of the momentum out of the blade and bring it back under his control. As his sword flew through the air he let out a great, primal shout of adrenaline and wrath, drawing his blade back for a mighty swing. My mind is my own! he shouted, staring down the magus despite it's lack of eyes. I'll be damned if you or your spawn shall take it from me. Now get back to the cursed star that birthed you! With his curse, he brought the full might of his sword down to bear on the magus.

Posts : 115
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
Hit Points:
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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Jolly Mon Mar 28, 2011 2:14 pm

Turn 3 map

Kalleth-Bard-Iridess-Veraun-Magus-Lucca-Shuun-Black Pudding


Kalleth: Hit, 40 damage to Magus
Bard: E5; casts magic missile; oozeling slain, 10 damage to pudding
Iridess 1: hit; 9 radiant damage to Kalleth and blind until end of Kalleth's next turn.
Iridess 2: hit; 11 radiant damage to Kalleth
Veraun: casts scorching ray; 25 fire damage to ooze
Magus: to C2; hit; ongoing 5 psychic damage to Kalleth and pudding (Will DC 19); 2 rounds until metamorphesis
Lucca: to E2; 1 hit; 8 damage to Iridess 1
Shuun: to D4; miss
Pudding: hit; 12 acid damage to Shuun and grabbed.

Kalleth strikes home, tearing into the bloated form of the Magus while Bard and Veraun bombard the pudding and its spawn with spells. Lucca deftly tumbles past his enemy and stabs at the Iridess, finding one victim. Shuun springs into action, but springs, sadly, into the grips of the black pudding.

The Iridess shimmer in a prismatic display and unleash a bolt of pure white light into Kalleth's eyes, searing him and impeding his vision. The Magus hammers the warrior's mind before teleporting. You all notice it suck its mutliple horrendous tongues back into its body. A thrum of psychic power courses through the chamber.


"So the guy just teleported into the body of a colossal water elemental?" asks the imp, confused.
"That's how the story was told to me," replies Solariel. "If memory serves the elemental sucked the moisture from his body and his companions had to help."
"....what an idiot."

Suddenly the two hear a noise from behind them. In the gloom they hear footfalls. They ready themselves, prepared to combat whatever baleful minion Strahd had sent and a humanoid figure comes into view. The imp stays his cohort's hand and the two step aside to allow the figure through.

He walks without hesitation over the runes. Such things do not deter him. A wave of psychic influence crashes against his mind, but he pays it no heed. He need not be called- he ventures forth willingly, boldly.

He comes to a chamber and beholds the fallen crystalline figure. He pauses a moment by it, makes a gesture with his hand, and strides forward. He notes the statue of a woman, standing dutifully at attention beside the doorway ahead and enters the room with the table.

"Curious," he says after studying the two skeletons. Looking to the slumped one he examines the cut across the throat. "Was this your only recourse? What in all the planes happened here?" He considered the influence pulling at his mind and thought some more. "...And what in the hells still remains?"

Get back to the cursed star that birthed you!

The figures grips his weapon and rushes forward....

The figure starts in space A5.


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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Chucklossus Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:43 am

Initiative: 18
move to c5

From the darkness the large figure emerges, an impossibly large hammer in one hand, no wait not a hand a claw! Could it be? yes. As the figure nears his face enters view, large and draconic. FALCOR!

Falcor looks at the ghosts and oozelings, "Kalleth! Here I thought you guys needed a hand and here you are playing with the adversaries of a dreaming hatchling"


Posts : 46
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Falcor Bloodscale
Class and Level: Monstrous Human lvl 7, Fighter lvl 3
Hit Points:
Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Left_bar_bleue120/120Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Empty_bar_bleue  (120/120)

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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  synapse8193 Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:15 pm

Will: 15 (failure)
50% Miss Percentage: hit
Maneuver: Sapphire Nightmare Blade
CONCENTRATION: 26 (DC the magus's AC)
Attack: 21 vs. magus's AC or 27 vs. magus's flat-footed AC
Damage: 18 or 28 (if flat-footed)

Kalleth swore profusely in draconic as he felt sharp pain in his head and near-simultaneous flash of brilliant light. He saw only colored spots now. Kalleth centered himself, raising his sword, focusing intensely, trying to produce a mental image of where the magus had been. Trying to use his senses to pinpoint whether or not it had moved. After a moment's focus he swung blindly but determinedly at the magus. And then he heard the voice.

Falcor? Brother? He turned unseeing eyes in the direction whence Falcor's voice came. Finally, someone with a simple enough mind not to be appetizing to these things! What took you so long? Then a thought occurred to him. What do you mean dreaming hatchling?

Posts : 115
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
Hit Points:
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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Jolly Sat Apr 02, 2011 7:42 am

Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Room2_12

DM Note: Kalleth cannot attack the Magus from his space. The only way for him to is to move, which provokes an AoO from the pudding which would immediately halt your movement. Plus you're blind so you don't know where the Magus teleported to. Instead he attacks Iridess 2.

Kalleth: Hit, 18 damage to Iridess 2
Bard: E5; casts magic missile; 15 damage to pudding
Iridess 1: hit; 7 radiant damage to Kalleth
Iridess 2: hit; 11 radiant damage to Lucca and blind until end of Iridess's next turn.
Falcor: to C5
Veraun: casts scorching ray; 26 fire damage to ooze
Lucca: 4 hits; 16 damage to Iridess 1; Iridess 2 expires
Magus (DELAYED): 2 hits; ongoing 5 psychic damage to Lucca (Will DC 19), ongoing damage to Kalleth and ooze increases to 10; 1 round until metamorphesis
Shuun: hit; 14 damage to ooze and -4 STR; fails STR check
Pudding: fills E4; 13 acid damage to Shuun

Kalleth aims for the Magus, but his blade only bites into one of it's attending Iridess. Veraun, Shuun, and Bard hammer away at the ooze which begins to bubble and sizzle from their attacks. Lucca spins like a dervish, catching the two Iridess in his dance of glinting metal, felling one of them.

He and the recovering Kalleth look over and watch in horror as one of the slime-coated maws of the Magus stretched out from the general body of the thing and devoured the second Iridess. The mouth retracted and all the creatures hideous jaws sealed shut, creating a sickly canceorus thing floating in mid air. Another thrum of psychic energy pulses through the room, much stronger than before. The magus nears its transformation.

The battle looks grim.....until a giant, draconic figure comes charging into the room, weiling a massive hammer- Falcor Bloodscale has returned to the party!

Kalleth: 32 damage taken plus ongoing 10 psychic
Bard: x2 magic missile used
Falcor: FRESH
Veraun: x2 scorching ray used
Lucca: 11 damage taken plus ongoing 5 psychic damage
Shuun: 25 damage taken, grabbed

Iridess 1: 24 damage taken
Magus: 15 damage taken (40 -25 healed), 1 round until metamorphesis
Black Pudding: 89 damage taken plus ongoing 10 psychic damage; BLOODIED

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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  IntheShadows Sat Apr 02, 2011 7:44 pm

Ah! A new fighter enters the fray. Lucca says coming out of his frenzied spin.

Posts : 26
Join date : 2010-11-05

Character sheet
Name: Allil FearGhail
Class and Level: Rogue
Hit Points:
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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  synapse8193 Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:42 am

Will: 7 (ouch)
Stance: Giant's Stance
Maneuver: Death from Above - catches opponent flat-footed, deals +4d6 damage
JUMP: 32
Attack: 45 (nat 20, +6 flat-footed)
Crit Confirmation: 48 v. flat-footed (+6 flat-footed, +6 to confirm criticals)
Damage: 63 on crit. 41 otherwise.

Kalleth pushed his curiosity at Falcor's choice of words aside. The spots in front of his vision dissipating, he turned back to the magus, fury and bloodlust sparking in him once again. The two iridess and the ooze were between Kalleth and the magus, the prize he wanted...the thing he wanted dead. Kalleth's eyes darted across the battlefield. He was muttering to himself, doing quick calculations in his head, examining the route he would have to take to get him to the magus. Nodding to himself he leapt and dove, attempting to dodge the ooze. Tucking into a roll, he sprang up in front of the magus, using his momentum to kick off of the wall and spring into the air. Kalleth let out a mighty roar as he leapt and coming down behind the magus he drove his blade through the fell thing, tearing it out from the side as he landed, facing the direction whence he'd come, immediately bringing his blade back into an aggressive and readied position.

Posts : 115
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
Hit Points:
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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Jolly Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:51 pm

DM Note: GOD DAMMIT! A >>>>ING CRIT!? NOW!? Assuming the party has any coordination and even with crap rolls for damage you're still able to kill the magus and ooze in 1 turn- BEFORE IT TRANSFORMED! There must be chickens loose on the message board cause all I'm hearing is "CHEAP! CHEAP!"

In a flurry of spells and steel both the taints and ooze are cut down easily. The pudding bubbles and dissolves, turning into a caustic smelling but otherwise harmless puddle, while the fell taints dissipate into vapor.

Looking around you see bas reliefs carved into the walls detailing the accomplishments of various tiefling armies and generals. Some scenes have captions- one showing countless legions marching to a set of mountains reads "The Taking of Scarfang" while another shows fire raining down on a small city detailed as the "The Last Doom of Sarnath". The largest by far is a relief of a mighty looking city with many-pillared buildings, sitting empty and silent. It's inscription reads "The Mystery at Irem, City of Pillars"

History DC 23

The other sarcophogi sit quiet, glinting in the light of Bard's spell. The path northward has collapsed into a impassable heap of mud and stone- only the left or right paths remain unblocked. To the left you see a pair of giant, ancient iron doors with a great lock upon them. The much more mundane, wooden doors to the right stand slightly open.

Mess with the sarcophogi? Go left or right?

Choose and perish!

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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  synapse8193 Sun Apr 10, 2011 1:27 pm


Kalleth remains frozen a moment in his last attack position. He quickly loosens up, then begins a hearty, sincere laugh, stretching his sore, stiff muscles. That was fun, he said in mixed sincerity and sarcasm, clearly back into a better mood now that he'd gotten the opportunity to slaughter something. He walks over to Falkor, giving the dragonborn a hug.

In draconic he says:

After the greetings between the two are finished, Kalleth turns to the reliefs on the wall, reading the inscriptions idly. Finally, following a past around the wall to the central, the largest insciption, his deep voice begins to intone the verse of a song, a mini-epic concerning the War of Sundering, only parts of which, it was thought, had survived, he remembered hearing during his adventures:

And to the city of Irem, a Turathi legion set
But when the hoard did reach it, no mouse of Irem met,
For empty were the blackened streets of that humbled power,
And missing were the mighty peeks of ev'ry single tower,
Save Irem's Pride, seen far and wide, the Sun and Moon Spire.
With this mystery Turath left, wonder in place of ire,
For what fell deed or spoken creed or weird and bleak disaster
Did once-mighty Irem suffer, to steal her from her master?

He pondered a moment, certain he had fuddled up the words in the middle...the meter wasn't quite right...then realizing suddenly that he was once again being watched, he turned to the others. What? I like classics, remember? He sighed. I wonder why this is the prominent relief. And why here? I guess the legion that discovered Irem could have set out from here.... He pondered a moment more, then began searching the room. Bard, do you know mage hand? he asked idly, eying the sarcophagi. I'd like to know if the departed had any idea what they were up against...if they had anything that might be of use in combating whatever it is that's causing all this weirdness. But touching the sarcohpagi directly seems to be a bad idea at the moment. So...if you could use mage hand to pop out the hinges, we could use something to push the lids off from afar. That way we can have a look inside, but not be caught off guard by oozes while everyone else watches. That last one had a note of bitter sarcasm, but was said in more jest and less anger than it would have been 5 minutes before. If they had any information about what we're up against, we might need it. I doubt it, but it's worth a shot.

NOTE: If Bard uses no healing spells or is low on healing spells, Kalleth uses his little healing crystal. Not knowing how much deeper the dungeon is, however, he would rather not have to use that just yet.

Posts : 115
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
Hit Points:
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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  IntheShadows Wed Apr 13, 2011 1:06 pm

Lucca walks over and pats Kalleth on the shoulder. Well fought my friend.

Then he looks to the newly arrived apparent friend of Kalleth. Well met sir. extending his pale slender elven hand. His scimitars already having found their sheaths as Kalleth's last blows were being dealt to the creatures.

Posts : 26
Join date : 2010-11-05

Character sheet
Name: Allil FearGhail
Class and Level: Rogue
Hit Points:
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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Jolly Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:37 am

Using the tools at hand the party is safely able to pop open a sarcophogus. As soon as they do a gaunt tielfing falls out, groaning as he rights himself on the floor.

"I told you I don't know anything! I was with the rest of my squad, inspecting the mountains for giants! I wasn't in the city! All we saw from the hills was a flash of light and a giant wave of fire washing over the place! That's all I swear!"

He stares at you for a moment, blinking and confused.

"Wait....you aren't soldiers...."

No we're ,not.

But please continue.

"Then...then you didn't know about the command word, did you?!"

Command word? For what?

"To keep the roll of years from-"

Before the tiefling can finish his mouth locks in place. His hair rapidly changles from black, to gray, to white, then falls off. His skin grows taunt, chalk white, then begins to bubble and rot before your eyes. You watch in horror as the nine centuries which have passed this hapless tiefling by come crashing down on his form. His body dies, rots, putrifies as his bones grow brittle and turn to dust. His last motion is to point to the mural of Irem, before he is reduced to naught but dust.

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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  synapse8193 Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:23 am

In draconic:

Kalleth pulls out his flask, taking a deep swig. He offers Lucca another taste of the harsh liquid and says, Thank you, my friend. I had to prove I was still worth my salt after the ass-kicking you gave me, even if you did catch me off guard. Smiling, he takes his flask back after Lucca is through with it and takes another deep swig.

After the greetings between the two are finished, Kalleth turns to the reliefs on the wall....

Kalleth's brow furrows, and he follows the corspe's hand back to the mural. I hate riddles, he said, shaking his head. At his brother's chuckle he adds simply, There's a difference between smart and clever, Falkor. He narrows his eyes a moment. Do we think Irem might be the command word? We need to know whatever these guys know, but I don't think we should just keep opening sarcophagi and saying random words...we'll run out of soldiers pretty quickly that way.

Posts : 115
Join date : 2010-07-24

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Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Jolly Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:33 pm

Intelligence DC 13

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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  synapse8193 Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:37 am

Kalleth ponders a moment. He sighs in frustration. They were being questioned when they were sealed up. And whoever it was that sealed them up don't seem to have gotten what they wanted. Otherwise they wouldn't have sealed these guys up. You don't leave witnesses to tell where you're going once you've got what you wanted. We're wasting our time here. He picked a rusted flask off the body of the newly dead Turathi. The rust had caused holes to leak the liquid inside, which had vaporized. Shame, Kalleth said. He rose and started walking towards the open wooden door.

Posts : 115
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Empty MASSIVE UPDATE EXTRAVAGANZA!

Post  Jolly Thu Apr 28, 2011 2:25 pm

Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 13 Untitl10

The door opens up into a large room with eight beds aligned against the walls. Small, wooden chests sit at the foot of each one. A rack of ancient looking weapons rests on the right wall, while the left side of the room opens up into a wide chamber with doors on the opposite side and rubble-choked passage to the north.

Looks to be the barracks.

I wonder if there’s still any treasure among all the junk.

Only one way to find out.

The part begins to turn over the barracks, inspecting each chest. They note that each one, though crafted of mundane wood, has magical wards of preservation on them, keeping the contents pristine even over the centuries. The search proves fruitful- in one chest is a gold and ruby ring with Turathi inscriptions- judging from its design you suspect it to be a wedding ring.

TREASURE: 1 Turathi Wedding Ring (1500g)

Another chest contains a host of vials, chalk, and peculiar stones. A cursory glance by Veraun identifies them as various incenses, alchemic stones, and organic components used in summoning rituals. Veraun can’t identify what precisely these components would summon, but he does know the Ritual of Summoning (having used in back in town to summon Mordekranz the demon)

TREASURE: Unknown Summoning Ritual Components (500g)

The most unusual item of all however, is uncovered by Falcor- a small, black leather book- along with 2 quill pins and a dried up inkwell. Flipping through the pages you realize that the book is written in an unintelligible language, likely some esoteric tiefling script. Judging by the spacing and breaks you would judge it to be a journal of some kind, but not even Kalleth’s studied mind can decipher the writing. And then the answer comes from the most unlikely of sources.

It’s the journal of “sergeant Velard Malvierri” says Shuun, flipping through the book, scanning the pages casually.Written in Old Turathi.

You read Old Turathi?

Shuun merely shrugs. Apparently so.

Such are the strange ways of the undead.

Shuun skims through the book, stopping at one of the last few pages. He then begins to read the text aloud.

Dim Hour 5, Year of the Empire 413

Our summons over the past few weeks have yielded very little. Neither devil nor demon seems willing or able to grant us information on the incident at Irem. The lieutenant, however, now sees a chance to undermine commander De Sarth and win the emperor’s favor. As such he has ordered us all to gather in the summoning chamber to attempt a summons of significantly greater power and distance than we tried hitherto. Personally I see little point in the matter- greater interrogation of our Subjects seems to be more reliable. Still, orders are orders.

Dim Hour 6, Year of the Empire 413

The summons actually worked, it would seem, but not in the way the lieutenant had hoped. Rather than a creature we called up ornamentation it would seem. Told him as much. Perhaps now we can continue our work with the Subjects.
Lucious is beginning to annoy me with his inattentiveness and sluggish pace. He seems to be forever itchy and has distracted me during my alchemy at least three times today with his complaints.

Dim Hour 8, Year of the Empire 413

We were wrong. I was wrong. It is that simple. We found two of the guards today- or rather we found one guard and one pile of dust. The….thing got them. We have secured it in the vault for safe measure. In the meantime we are trying our best to learn all we can about this new, more frightful mystery.
The lieutenant says it takes that form out of shame- shame for what it is and does. But I am not so sure.
I must confess that when we performed the ritual I thought I saw something. There, in the great swirling sphere of cold azure light which formed, I saw what I thought was a shadow, or trick of the light, but have now come to believe it was something more. An outline, however fleeting, however vague of its true form. If such a thing exists. But if that is the case, then may the Devils preserve us, for it chills me still to think of it, and maddens me when I dream of it. And yet, I know, somehow, that what I saw, or half-saw, was but a brief glimpse OF ONLY A PORTION OF IT.

Dim Hour 11, Year of the Empire 413

A revelation today from a contacted divine emissary of the God of Sages:
“The eyes are not the windows but the doors-beware what may enter them.”

Dim Hour 17

Good Gods! What have we called up? Where could such a nightmare come from? How could such a thing even exist? There is a thing in our tower- a thing which can never die.
Lucious, poor Lucious. We’ve locked him up, to protect the rest of us. The lieutenant too. The key to the west wing is with them, but I doubt anyone is stupid to try for it, much less the treasure. But I think it too late. I know what I must do, before They find me. I only hope my dagger is sharp enough.

So that’s the story of this place.

So they called up something that they couldn’t put down? Amateurs! Leave it to surface dwellers to muddle up even simple magic.

Yes, well I for one am not interested in seeing just what their “simple magic” pulled through.

Cowardice does not become you brother.

Caution, brother, not cowardice. I can’t help but feel as if there’s something we’re missing.

Well we aren’t going to get safer or richer just standing here. Says the key’s locked up- let’s find it.

Veraun and Lucca walk into the larger, adjacent room- a meeting hall of some kind it would seem. Falcor, Bard, and Shuun follow with Kalleth casting an anxious glance behind him, to the ceiling, and all around before following.

Through the doors on the opposite side of the meeting hall the party discovers the dining room. Plates are scattered around the room, silverware thrown about haphazardly. There seems to be little of use. A connecting kitchen is filled with the age-old stench of rot, but it is the pantry, triple-barred and with two chairs blocking it, which catches the eye.

This looks like the place.

Lucca glances over the door, examining its features. Wooden with iron supports and hinges. Old though. Definitely breakable. He turns to imposing Falcor and smiles.

Mind helping me out with this thing, big guy?

Falcor snorts eagerly. The two takes several steps back, then both bull rush the door. Wood flies in all directions, the smell of rotten fruit fills the dining room. Bard shines his glowing staff into the pantry. Inside they see broken crates and barrels, all covered with dust. The most unusual thing, however, is a statue of a weeping maiden, not unlike the one from earlier, sitting squarely in the center of the room. Dangling from its right index finger, by a leather strap, is a large brass key.

This doesn’t have “trap” written all over it.

I’ll admit it seems odd, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Lucca and Shuun exchange knowing glances- and push Bard one step in front of the party. The musician glares at them for a moment, but eases as he sees smiles creep across the rest of the party. He reaches out with his staff, sticks it through the loop, and lifts the key out of the statue’s hand.

Let’s go open that other door and see what kind of pearl this oyster’s hiding.

Yes, because leaving before we encounter a giant demonic dragon or whatever is in here is definitely the WRONG thing to do.

Good to know you’re on board.

As the party is leaving, Kalleth stops. He looks over his shoulder for a moment, then motions the others to halt.

Help me move this stuff.

Why? Do you want to take the table?

I just have a feeling.

You’re suggesting we block in that pantry again? I was thinking the same thing.

Oh for Lolth’s sake!

The party flips the table on its side and barricades the pantry door, piling the remainder of the chairs and other furniture behind it.

There, do you wyrmlings feel safe now?

Kalleth nods, then takes the key from Bard as the party makes its way back. They pass through the barracks, throw open the wooden door which leads back to the intersection, and then freeze when Veraun, Falcor, and Lucca throw their hands up to block the party’s path. Lucca motions for Bard to bring his staff to bear- in the dim glow up ahead they see a humanoid shape standing at the intersection, completely motionless.

It is a statue of a maiden, crying into her hands. The passage from the Arathanaea flood back into your mind.

Intelligence check DC 15

I have a bad feeling about this.


Roll Initiative
Make a Constitution check, DC 10.


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