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Red Ninja
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Post  Jolly Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:14 pm

The evening passes uneventfully. In the morning you are welcomed back to the waking world by the smell of cooking bacon and rustling about the camp. The eastern sky is growing brighter, a mixture of greens and blues, as you enjoy a thick rasher of bacon, some old bread, and dark beer, the mood still solemn. Quorhin orders camp broken quickly afterwards, your caravan setting out just as the sun begins to rise.

Midday brings you to the Three Tongues, a trio of waterfalls which pour into the vast, mist-filled ravine below. The bridge of Oldstone traverses the chasm, well away from the falls but still partially obscured, its black stones slick but solid. Two small, weathered stone figures flank the ends of the bridge.

History Check (Intelligence) DC 15

Perception Check (Wisdom) DC 13

"Here's where we part ways, merchant. For now," says Quorhin, dismounting and turning the reigns over to Jory Cassell. "You keep on this road, I'll catch ye in a day or so."

"Without a horse?" asks Deedrik.

"Where I'm going's too rough for horses- beasts are too noisy besides. Even so, I know a short cut. Don't ye worry about me."

Quorhin motions you to follow, leading you along a nearly overgrown game trail. You mark your progress to the caves in how insistent the ranger is for you to remain quiet, until, at last, you arrive at a wide canyon carved from the side of the mountain.

Trees and shubbery grow wild and unfettered along the canyon floor, obscuring the far end, although Quorhin estimate the canyon to be about 500 ft long. Towering over even the oldest pines is a great stone statue of a falcon-headed humanoid gazing skywards, his spear raised in triumph.

As you gaze around you spy dozens of holes etched into the canyon walls. Some are simple alcoves, crudely hewn, but others have small flights of steps, ornate jambs and lintels, and even a few worn statues, leading into proper cave systems.

From your position you can make out four such caves.

On the north wall of the canyon you spy one on the ground level, partially hidden by shrubbery, and another 50 ft up the wall, accessible by a set of partially broken set of stairs. A wide ridge leads from the mouth of this cave due west along the canyone wall, into some foliage.

The south wall has a cave on the ground level, nearer to the mouth of the canyon than all the others. Further down, about 50 ft up the wall, you see a fourth cave, with a set of massive, broad steps leading up to it.

"Welcome to the Caves of Chaos," says Quorhin, dusting off his hands. "And you're welcomed to them." As per your agreement, you each pay Quorhin his fee of 1 silver each (do NOT deduct this from your inventory). He pockets the coin and begins back down the game trail.


You have four caves visible to you. You can choose to explore one, or press further into the canyon. The time is roughly 3:00 pm.

North Wall
Cave A (Ground level)- Partially obscured by shrubs
Cave B (50 ft above)- Accessed by broken, narrow stair case, ridge leads further into the canyon.

South Wall
Cave D (Ground Level)- Closest to canyon mouth
Cave F (50 ft above)- Accessed by large, wide steps.

The Caves of Chaos

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Post  Red Ninja Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:31 pm

Well i dont know about you lot but meself is headin into the closest to find me destiny. Ferric unloads his axe, gives it a few swings, and resting it on his burly shoulders heads off to the cave by the canyon mouth. Upon reaching the cave he looks around for any signs of recent activity.

Perception check - 13+3 = 16
Red Ninja
Red Ninja

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Post  Jolly Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:28 am

Ferrik Chooses to Explore Cave D!

As Ferrik investigates the area around Cave D he notices numerous small footprints in the soft dirt, spreading out in all directions from the cave. Many of these go to and from due west, into and out of an area of thick foliage and brush which, you notice, is swaying in a non-existant breeze.

Natural Lore Check (Intelligence or Wisdom) DC 10

As Ferrik looks into the cave he sees that the entrance tunnel continues for about 20 ft until it comes to a small intersection with three branches snaking out into the darkness.


Perception (Wisdom) Check DC 12

Perception (Wisdom) Check DC 14


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Post  Red Ninja Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:52 pm

Ferrick hears a noise steadily getting louder. Dropping his pack to one side he sets his feet firmly, snaps his axe to the ready, and gets ready to swing at the first sign of trouble.
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Post  synapse8193 Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:26 am

History: 14 - 1 = 13, failed
Perception: 12 + 2 + 3 = 17

Despite his boisterousness the night before, Barathron was quite now. He let the old man talk and he let the old man leave. The dwarf eyed the statues, trying to place from what tale or story he recognized the figures. Apparently too many tankards of ale had wiped it from his memory and he wasn't terribly concerned. All he could muster from his mind was that they were very old, and very much of dwarven craftsmanship.

Barathron followed not far behind Ferrik, responding, I'm not sure it much matters myself. Plan on draining as many of these caves dry as I can carry loot from. First's as good a start as any, 's'pose. He followed closely, but didn't crowd Ferrik, eyes scanning not just the cave entrance, but also the cliffs around, looking for any sign he could find of what they might encounter and who might have made their way into these caves.

Barathron's vision caught the sudden movement of Ferrick loosing his pack and readying for an attack; he did not have to be told to follow suit. He drew his own axe, swinging it up to a ready position and falling into a combat stance, a fierce grin on his face as he inched toward the cave entrance.

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Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
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Post  Valishn Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:25 pm

History: 16+0 = 16
Perception: 7+4 = 11 FAIL! Grawr?

Dimitrius eyed the stone figures as he traveled, ignoring those who spoke. He recalled reading of this bridge and the statues, but did not think the information important enough to speak of. Of course even if he did deem it of any importance he might not share word of it anyway. His tongue was lazy today.

Upon their arrival at the caves and the seeming eagerness of the dwarves to plumb the dark depths, Demi decided that his time would be less well spent above ground at this moment. Things seemed peaceable enough, so his services would be less than helpful here. But these dwarves seemed to have an itch for danger that might end with more than a scratch. So, as each left for the cave he prepared himself and followed.

Perception: 20+4 = 24 Epic Win... o.O

From behind the two fighters Demi focused on the sounds that he heard instead of straining his eyes to see beyond them. His instincts served well as he picked up on the noise that Ferrick seemed to be responding to. "From this cave, within, chimes a goblin's great din," Demi says aloud, though more to himself than to the dwarves. He removes the holy symbol from around his neck and wraps the chain around his hand so that sword-crossed shield hangs loosely around his middle finger and dangled before his palm. His quarterstaff he ignores.

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Post  Jolly Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:08 am


Weapons draw, sweat beading up on their brows, breaths held in excitement- the dwarves stand at the ready. Their low-light vision allows them to see a small team of goblins, perhaps 3 or 4, walk from the left branch of the intersection up ahead to the right, ignoring the middle tunnel altogether. The goblins are not armed and seem too engaged in conversation to notice you. You notice that the leader of the group is holding a rolled up piece of paper.

The sound of the goblins slowly begins to fade, leaving only the darkened cavern before you.


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Post  synapse8193 Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:36 am

Perception: 11 + 2 + 3 = 16
Stealth`: 19 + 1 = 20 (Holy crap I rolled it twice in a row! Epic win! At least, I'm assuming....)

Grimaxe put his axe away, instead drawing his hammer as he inched closer to the cave entrance. His voice was gruff, as close to a whisper as he or any dwarf could manage. If we can overtake those goblins we question them. Learn their numbers and defenses. Any treasures they might know of. Boldly he steps into the cavern. I guess it would be too much to ask if the elf speaks goblin? It doesn't matter. Everyone speaks hammer and axe. He began to descend into the cave grumbling under his breath about dwarves being built for the charge and not for stealth. Still, he managed to keep his heavy breath in check as he began making his way down into the cave. He took a look down each branch of the cave before sneaking across down the central path into the Caves of Chaos.

` - This symbol by a roll means it was rolled at a disadvantage.
* - This symbol by a roll means it was rolled at an advantage.

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Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
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Post  Jolly Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:32 am

The loud echoing chirp of a cave cricket masks Barathron's advance into the cave. He peeks around at the intersection- the cavern seems to have no internal light source, but the dim light of the entrance reveals just enough to the dwarf.

The path to the right extends into darkness.
The path to the left goes about 10 ft beford sharply turning to the right.
The path ahead extends into darkness.

The dwarf quickly sneaks across the intersection and presses himself against the wall of the central path- roughly hewn stone by the feel. Certainly not chiseled by dwarves, maybe humans or orcs, and a long time ago by his reckoning. As he adjusts his feet, he feels small objects littering the floor of the central tunnel- small bones.


Natural Lore check (Wisdom or Intelligence) DC 11

There isn't time to dwell on it however. Coming from the left path are slow, heavy footfalls and the clank of metal on metal. Barathron watches as a goblin, smaller and darker in color than the others, comes plodding out of the left tunnel, carrying as many as six spears.

"Wait for Splug!" he cries out in the Common tongue, his breathing heavy. "Splug tired!" He has
not noticed you yet.

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Post  Red Ninja Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:14 am

At the sight of goblins Ferric's heart rages. It takes him a moment to fully control his urge to spring forward and slaughter without plan or coordination. Trying hard he succeeds in waiting and watching Barathron sneak into the cave. At the sound of a goblin's voice however he loses himself, and with a silent prayer to Clanggedin, races forward through the cave to intercept the lone trailing goblin.

(let me know what checks to make)
Red Ninja
Red Ninja

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Post  Jolly Wed Jun 20, 2012 7:34 am

That would be an attack roll, with advantage because you've caught the goblin by surprise (so roll 2d20 and use the higher of the two rolls to determine your attack roll).

Splug here has an AC of 14 and 5 HP. As always you can choose to deal non-lethal damage and knock him unconscious rather than kill him. Specify if you choose to do so.

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Post  Red Ninja Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:58 am

Closing in on the goblin Ferric swings his axe, his rage lending him speed if not accuracy, looking to finish the fight quick before alerting the other goblins.

Atk - 13
Reaper dmg - 3

Red Ninja
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Post  Jolly Thu Jun 21, 2012 11:04 am

Ferric's swing misses the mark, barely clipping the small goblin as the weapon swishes past his head. Even so, the axe leaves a long, bloody gash along Splug's face, causing him to yelp and drop his armful of spears (....armful of METAL spears! Suckers!)

The clang of the metal spears hitting the stone floor resounds through the cave. The chattering of the other passing goblins ceases for a moment before one yells back something in Goblin. Shortly after another shout comes from down the right path, this time in Common.

"Splug, if you damaged those new spears Guthria won't get a chance to kill you! I'll do it myself!" (The Goblin equivolent of "Dufrane, you better be sick or dead up there!")

Barathron and Dimitrius (...and anyone ELSE who wants to join in...) can act, with advantage, before Splug. Then everyone needs to roll initiative.

Party- FRESH
Splug- 3 damage

Goblin (including Splug): 13
Ferric: 8

Splug HP: 2

Last edited by Jolly on Fri Jun 22, 2012 7:57 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post  Red Ninja Fri Jun 22, 2012 7:42 am

Initiative roll = 8 (fuck me)
Red Ninja
Red Ninja

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Post  Valishn Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:46 am

Dimitrius was about to attempt to follow Barathron in his stealthy advancement when the fifth goblin came around the corner and Ferrick attacked him. Hearing that the other goblins had not yet caught onto their presence, he thought that he should try and resolve the situation quickly instead. He outstretched his arm, palm outward with his holy symbol held outward, and said, "Radiant Vanguard smile down on me, help me to defeat thine enemies." With a bowed head he allowed his magic to strike out as he cast Radiant Lance against the goblin.

Radiant Lance attack: 13 + 4 = 17
Damage: 7 + 4 = 11

Initiative: 5... (That's.... epic.... x.X)

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Post  synapse8193 Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:50 pm

Initiative: 16 + 2 = 18
Attack: NAT 20, no lethal damage
Intimidate: 11 + 3 + 1, 14

Fucking idiots all of you! Barathron rebuked in a hoarse whisper, lunging out from hiding and pinning the goblin's throat to the cave wall with the handle of his hammer, he hoped out of the way of the attack dwarf and man. No, Slug. We're going to play a little game, he said in a hoarse whisper. Now, for no, blink once. The dwarf demonstrated in case Slug was as dumb as he thought. With each demand a tightening of his hammer on the goblin's throat so he couldn't shout out. Twice for yes. Understand? He waited only an instant for a response, afraid his idiotic confederates would kill the goblin. Does your tribe have any treasure? Gold? Is there anything other than goblins living in this cave? What are your numbers? Blink once for every five. He paused only briefly between each question for a response.

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Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
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Post  Jolly Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:49 am

DM Ruling: Since Barathron and Splug's initiative is so much higher than Dimitrius, I'll allow his turn to go first....

Splug struggles against the handle of the weapon, straining to breathe. Unable to free himself he starts to blink frantically...two times...two times...two more times...then his eyes begin to dart back and forth...

Barathron Insight check DC 12

"Radiant Vanguard smile down on me, help me to defeat thine enemies," comes a voice from the cave entrance!

"Sonofabit-" shouts Barathron right before a beam of seering golden light flies right past his head and squarely hits Splug. The little goblin gives a scream of pain louder than you'd think his lungs could produce just before his head literally melts off his shoulders like candle wax.

Then you hear a loud shout in Goblin from down the right path. Both of the dwarves grip their weapons and prepare for the uncoming attack when they hear another voice, this time from down the left path...a woman's (?)

You don't! treat! a lady! like that! you hear her say, followed by some mystic words and frantic footsteps drawing near.

From down the left tunnel you see a female elf in dirty but elegant attire rushing towards you, arcane light shining from her gloves. She appears to be bound with rope around her wrists, but as she draws close she's able to wriggle out of the last knot or two. Following about 20 feet behind her you see a team of 5 goblins armed with spears.

she shouts at you.

And then, from down the right fork, you see a second team of 5 goblins, armed with daggers, come charging at you.


Barathron, Gaelishal, and Ferric are in the intersection, weapons drawn. Gaelishal has the Light spell active on her, shedding bright light 20 feet down each tunnel.
Dimitrius is at the cave entrance. He can see the others, and 4 goblins, 2 on each side.
Goblin Squad Left charges down the left tunnel and into the intersection. 5 goblins
Goblin Squad Right charges down the right tunnel into the intersection. 5 goblins

Goblins are pressing in from two sides, but the narrow tunnels are only 2 goblins wide.


Barathron 17
Goblins 13
Gaelishal 10
Ferric 8
Dimitrius 5 (NICE!)

Goblins: HP 5; AC 14

The goblins turn...

Left Squad: Two attacks on BARATHRON; one hit; 6 damage.
Right Squad: Two attacks on FERRIC; one hit; 2 damage.

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Post  Ol Lady Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:07 am

Damn you filthy beasts Gaelishal cries as she fires off a magic missile at the squad on the right.

Dmg = 3+1
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Post  Red Ninja Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:11 am

Shrugging off the goblins hit Ferric swings his axe at the goblins on the right.

atk = 17

dmg = 3+3+7
Red Ninja
Red Ninja

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Post  synapse8193 Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:22 am

Insight: 15 + 2 = 17

Attack: 19 + 6 = 25
Damage: 5 + 7 = 12

Barthron groaned, the goblin's frantic eye movements confirming what he suspected; the fool was too dumb to know how to count. He swore loudly when the cleric's spell hit home. Damn fools. At least it was not a complete waste. He got something out of the goblin, he expected the truth as far as his limited intellect could perceive and express it.

His quarry no longer worth holding to the wall, he let the corpse drop, readying for assault. Barathron dodged backwards, his feet still firmly planted, but as his upper body came forward the second attack struck home. The dwarf raged, shouting through his attack, soundly driving his hammer though the goblins ribs, which caved as the goblin's body was driven hard into the cavern wall. Barathron let the body drop to the ground, obstructing the rear rank's advance, as he began the swing for his next attack.

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Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
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Post  Valishn Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:45 pm

attack: 17+4=21
damage: 8+4=12

Demi observed the others carefully as the goblins assaulted them. Each dwarf took a hit but they were a sturdy peoples and seemed not to need any help... yet. Now, he guessed, they would have to fend off their attackers. This was not the situation he had hoped for. Oh well. With a shrug and another muttered phrase of praise, "Replace the wrong instead with right and set the goblin's head alight...", the short man cast his Radiant Lance again. This time aiming at one of the unscathed goblins on the left he let loose the lance from his pendant.

Once he observed the aftermath of his attack he moved down farther into the cave nearer to those already inside. It would do no good if they needed his healing hands and he was not close enough to help them.

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Post  Jolly Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:40 pm

4 hits, 3 deaths! The goblins keep coming though, snarling and chattering as they do.
With each one that falls, another seems to take its place, climbing over the bodies of the fallen.

Goblin turn
Left Squad; 2 attacks; 1 hit; 6 damage to Ghaelishal
Right Squad; 2 attacks; 2 hits; 2 damage to Ferric and Demi

After the goblins attack you hear a noise, no a voice, deeper and louder than any goblin could ever make.

"Alright, dis luuks to be enuff. NOW WUR ARE DEY! I SMASH!"

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Post  Ranma Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:01 pm

"Oi, you there, human!" The elf wizard shouted, stalking up to Dimitrius. "What's going on in there? How long does it take to search through a little cave?"

He stopped and blinked twice.

"Of course we find goblins in the very first cave we go into," The wizard fixed his gloves and raised his hands.

Initiative: 19 [18+1]
Attack: N/A
Damage: N/A

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Post  Red Ninja Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:29 pm

Lost in his hate Ferric swings at another goblin to the right.

atk= 18

dmg = 6+1+7 = 14
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Post  Valishn Sat Jun 30, 2012 5:57 pm

Attack: 14+4 = 18
damage: 6+4 = 10

Dimitrius, too distracted by the goblins and what sounded like a possibly more formidable foe still lurking in the shadows, ignored the loud elf who marched into the cave. As the goblin struck at him he moved to avoid the blow but found he was too slow to completely avoid injury, though he was successful for the majority of it. He readjusted the aim of his holy symbol to the goblin bearing down on him and muttered, "What an ugly goblin face, I really think it needs erased."

Once more from his hand issued forth his spell, striking at the goblin's head. He took a moment and asked, "This cave is full of stupid shit, I hope our skills can do the trick. What lies ahead sounds bigger still and I wonder at its ease to kill..." Then he fell silent, annoyed at himself for how much he'd been talking. He grumbled quietly to himself.

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