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Red Ninja
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Post  Jolly Mon Jul 02, 2012 3:06 pm


Barathron: hit, 10 damage to a left goblin
Vinny-Magus: Enters combat
Ghaelishal: hit; 4 damage to right goblin

As steel and spell flies, four more goblins fall dead. But rather than throw themselves into the fray, the 3 remaining beat feet, 1 down the left and two down the right. It is only a short moment later that you hear a sickening CRUNCH! and the sound of a dying goblin. And the rumble of VERY large footsteps.


Then suddenly a giant figure comes rampaging down the right path, wielding a giant morningstar.
Its slumped posture, course black hair, and jutting lower jaw clearly identifies it as an ogre.

Shagga the Ogre Initiative: 21 OUCH!

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Post  Red Ninja Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:18 pm

OI! Take this ye damned ugly bastard! Ferric taunts as he unleashes a vicious blow at the ogre's weapon arm.

Atk = 16
Dmg = 17
Red Ninja
Red Ninja

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Post  Ranma Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:04 pm

"Well, shit."

Lifin wasted no time, calling up a spell and launching it at the ogre as quickly as he could.

SPELL:Ray of Frost

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Name: Lifin Minarisyar
Class and Level: Wizard 1
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Post  synapse8193 Mon Jul 09, 2012 8:05 pm

Attack: 20
Damage: 15

Barathron smiled. They seem to have an ogre, he said with grin, watching the goblins flee. Barathron rushes the ogre, making a mighty swing with his hammer.

AA: Sorry about delay. The storms have been playing funny games with our internet.

Posts : 115
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
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Post  Valishn Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:52 pm

Attack = 22
Damage = 9

Demi said nothing, his continued annoyance at talking before still bothering him. He grunted to what Barathorn observed before raising his hand and casting his lance forth. Stupid Ogre.

Posts : 21
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Name: Demi
Class and Level: lvl 1 Cleric
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Post  Jolly Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:02 pm

Ferric's battle cry resounds through the cave, eager for the sound of kissing steel. But with a speed not thought possible, the ogre's moeningstar comes from the side. Weapon and armor alike are nothing before the giant's awesome force, and the brave dwarf his sent flying backwards 10 fro from the blow. The only consultation is that Shagga arms to care little for defence.

13 damage to Ferric, who is also knocked back 10ft and prone.

All other attacks hit, including a magic missile from Ghaelishal for a total of 26 damage. Shagga still stands.

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Post  Red Ninja Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:04 am

UGH... durned beastie... Ferric groans and slowly lifts himself to his knees. He drops his axe to the floor and attepts to ready his crossbow.
Red Ninja
Red Ninja

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Post  synapse8193 Wed Jul 18, 2012 7:39 pm

Attack: 20, 13`
Damage: 9

Barathro tightens the grip on his hammer. He takes a few seconds to steady the weapon, then swings with all his might at the knee of the ogre, hoping to hear the crunch of a crippled knee.

NOTE: As I recall, in prior editions called shots took a penalty to hit, but taking extra actions to steady the shot could mitigate this. Gave a to-hit for an attack both at a disadvantage and without.

Posts : 115
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
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Post  Jolly Sat Jul 21, 2012 6:09 am

Barathron charges forward, pushing the lightly armored casters aside as the ogre lifts its great weapon high for another attack. The great morningstar comes thundering down...but Barathron is too close and the head of the weapon hits bare rock. The dwarf's short stature allows him to duck beneath the haft of the weapon- all of Shagga's reach is useless at this range. Barathron zeroes in on a knee cap, hoping to cripple the beastie. The hammer comes up...

And so does Shagga's immense foot.

Kicked square in the ribs with the force of an avalanche, the dwarf is sent hurling backwards before his attack can get off. Barathron is knocked back 10 feet and falls prone.


With nothing standing between them and the ogre, the casters set off a barrage of magic missiles and radiant lances, blasting the ogre square in the face and kicking up dust and debris and staggering the beast. But after a few moments, the dust doesn't clear or settle...and then you realize it isn't dust surrounding the ogre's head.

Before your eyes Shagga's eyes begin to glow with an eerie yellow light and tendrils of blacks smoke rise up out of his caverous mouth. Cracks or lines of burning orange light spread across his body, as if his whole body is on fire...and then his right hand actually does catch flame. The ogre twists and howls in pain at first, until his roaring shout begins to change. The voice that now issues forth sounds as if it is coming from a parched throat, but contains the ominous dread of an approaching thunderstorm.

"You...little things. How easily...you...break. Is this...truly...the best...you can...manage!?"

The casters quickly retreat towards the cave entrance, out of the ogre's fiery reach.

Shagga the Ogre: 38 damage dealt
Barathron: 4/20 HP
Lifin: 16/16 HP
Ghaelishal: 10/16 HP
Ferric: 03/20 HP
Dimitrius: 15/17 HP

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Post  synapse8193 Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:42 pm

Barathron felt the wind knocked out of him as he flew down the passage. He rose, feeling woozy. He could tell at least two of ribs were broken. He was fairly certain it was four. The dwarf steadied himself with his hammer before making his way for the cleric.A little of your uptight Lord's healing light would be in order, human, Barathron said in his usual snide tone. Two dead dwarves aren't killing shit. Let alone some possessed ogre.

Posts : 115
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
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Post  Valishn Mon Jul 30, 2012 6:29 am

healing: 9

Demi's expression remained impassive even in spite of the dwarf's words. As the dwarf reached him he held out his hand, palm down, and touched the short man on his brow with only his middle finger. The jewel-studded symbol of his faith dangled in front of the dwarf's sight as if for him to admire, then Demi spoke, "This horrid little hairy man would like to be healed as best he can. A word or two from you I please and perhaps he'll finish the ogre's knees."

Even as Demi spoke, though his words seemed more in jest than in prayer, a warmth fell over Barathron that eased his pain and mended his body. It was far from a perfect mending, to be certain, but was well more than needed to keep Barathron on his feet in this battle. As he finished he glanced over at the other dwarf and sighed. He clasped his hands together and moved over to where the other dwarf was as he prepared to work another healing spell, eyeing the ogre the whole time. This would leave him quite exhausted, but he was needed.

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Name: Demi
Class and Level: lvl 1 Cleric
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Post  Red Ninja Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:04 am

relfex roll - 15

Ferric rolled trying to get to his feet and back away at the same time. Ye bastards. Why cant ye just die quickly. Save me and me kin the effort. He tried rising to his feet to put his crossbow to work.
Red Ninja
Red Ninja

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Post  synapse8193 Sun Aug 05, 2012 11:56 pm

Dexterity Check: 13`
Attack (if possible): 19, 15`
Damage: 15

Barathron grumbles a bit as the healing light does its work. He personally hates the feel of healing magic. Unnatural. Sterile. But, he's not turning down any advantage. He just wished this cleric was better at it. He could feel one of his ribs still broken. The dwarf grunted and huffed as he fought through the pain, trying again. But Barathron didn't want to get caught in front of this thing again. So Barathron got a head start, then tucked his hammer into his body, rolling, he hoped through the ogre's legs to a space behind him. The plan would then be to swing his hammer as hard as he could at the ogre's knee again, from the safety of the space behind him in the confined tunnel.

NOTE: Not sure if on the off chance I do make it behind this ogre being behind him in the tunnel puts him at a disadvantage or not. If it does, my advantage cancels with the disadvantage from the called shot attempting once again to bring him down. All again contingent on not getting trampled and dying. Fingers crossed.

Posts : 115
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
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Post  Jolly Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:43 am


SHAGGA: Uses Fire Breath on the casters; 3 hits, 7 fire damage each; Reflex save DC 13 for half
BARATHRON: hit; 15 damage; healed for 9
LIFIN: uses magic missile; 2 damage
GHAELISHAL: uses magic missile; 2 damage
FERRIC: hit; 10 damage
DEMI: heals Barathron for 9 (which spell did you use for that by the way?)

The ogre's attention turns towards the casters, its eyes burning with fiery yellow light. It takes a few giant steps towards the cave entrance, absorbing a pair of magic missiles from the two elves. As it spies Demi casting a spell its rage seems to increase.

You who serve these "gods"...you shall be among the first to perish. You will all perish!

With a roar, Shagga unleashes a gout of emerald-colored spell-fire from his mouth. It washes over the casters like a tidal wave, its eldritch power almost too much to withstand.

DM NOTE: Lifin, Ghaelishal, and Demi need to make DC 13 Reflex saves (that's a d20 plus your Dex modifier). If you fail the save, you take 7 fire damage, but only 3 fire damage if you make the save.

Shagga lifts his burning morningstar above his head, ready to bring it down squarely on the cleric's skull...and then his right leg buckles, its knee crunched by Barathron's weapon. The ogre looks over his shoulder to face his attacker...just in time to catch a crossbow bolt in the face from Ferric.

The beast roars in fury, the glowing fissures on its body spreading and pulsing more brightly. Suddenly, parts of the ogre's body begin to catch fire, although the beast seems oblivious to the pain. It takes 3 fire damage at the end of the round.

Shagga the Ogre: 70 damage dealt and SLOWED
Barathron: 13/20 HP
Lifin: 9/16 HP
Ghaelishal: 3/16 HP
Ferric: 03/20 HP
Dimitrius: 8/17 HP

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Post  synapse8193 Sun Aug 19, 2012 9:02 am

Attack: 16
Damage: 13

The angry dwarf's eyes widen as he sees fiery fissures open all over the ogre's body. He gives one last mighty swing before backpedaling as far as he can down the hallway. Dropping his hammer, Barathron draws his own crossbow, pulling a bolt out to load it.

Posts : 115
Join date : 2010-07-24

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Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
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