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Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Red Ninja
Night Breed
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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 3 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  synapse8193 Fri Sep 03, 2010 11:32 pm

Kalleth stepped back from giving the old woman the flower, not interrupting the others as they spoke. Good question, Ilsine.... And well said. Kalleth sat when prompted, but was not comfortable seated. Still, he did not abandon his seat; such an act would be rude. Kalleth's eyes followed his brother as the dragonkin leans in to whisper to the Vistani. Catching the look Falkor shot him, Kalleth's heart felt heavy. He did not know how the diviner could help, but his brother loved him, and Kalleth appreciated that Falkor tried. It had not even occurred to Kalleth to ask about his curse; now that he thought of it, he had long since given up on finding a cure....

Kalleth readjusted himself on the seat. He still wasn't comfortable, although now that he thought about it, it could just as easily have been being in the presence of a soothsayer to begin with. Ever since Tira...fortune-tellers, soothsayers, prophets, and oracles made him uncomfortable. He sighed and tried to sit still, and Kalleth let the soothsayer answer his brother before asking his question.

"Where is this tome? How do we get it? And how do we protect ourselves from Strahd's power? He surely is a being of terrible power if he had held a this whole land hostage for so long."

OOC: Not a problem, Jolly.

OOC: I haven't had Kalleth react to what Madam Eva has to say about his condition because she hasn't said it yet. I sorta wanted to get my questions in. If that puts a fly in the ointment I can include the response before the question in the next post.

Last edited by synapse8193 on Mon Sep 06, 2010 10:15 am; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 115
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 3 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Red Ninja Mon Sep 06, 2010 3:37 am

"Who cares about a book?" Veraun thought to himself, "preistly magic followed by staking and fire. POOF. Done."

Sooth sayers of any kind made Veraun uneasy. Having ran into a few over his time above and below he deduced they all generalized their prediction to swindle your gold. Let the others trust in this woman. Veraun would trust in Veraun. He excused himself softly and politely murmuring about posting watch outside.

Once outside he sat down with his raven, and was quickly lost in thought contemplating the means by which he could transform his familiar... or acquire another one.
Red Ninja
Red Ninja

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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 3 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Jolly Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:42 pm

Madam Eva frowns slightly as Veraun turned and exited.

"Be most careful, lost son of Menzoberranzan. I have glimpsed the threads of fate, and I have seen you swallowed up by blackness unending."

Veraun paused for only a moment. Blackness was nothing for drow-some soothesayer. His decision only reaffirmed, the dark elf stepped out.

"Protection from the Master, and a means to defeat him?" Madam closes her eyes and breaths deep, draws a card from the top of her deck and lays it face up before you. It depicts a priest holding his holy symbol up towards the sky.

"There is a symbol older than even Strahd: a powerful force of good and protection against the forces of darkness."

Madam draws another card from the top of her deck and lays it face up before you. It depicts an armored warrior carrying a shield and sword

“You also seek is a blade of light, a weapon of vengeance.”


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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 3 Empty The Emperor Card

Post  Jolly Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:49 pm

Madam Eva draws a second card and lays it over top of the Emperor. On it you see a roaring blue dragon and a black disk or circle in the background.

“Seek it in a place of blasphemy, where humans plumb their darkest nature.”

Madam Eva places her hand on the deck again, preparing to draw another card.

“If you find the tome and delve into its secrets you will discover the source of the lord’s strength. If you read it carefully you may also discover how to rob him of that strength.”

Madam draws a third card and lays it horizontally over the other two. It depicts a gallows where three bodies hang upside down.

“You must seek out the three defiled places described in the tome, and at each you shall find a relic. Only when all three are reunited will the last of the lord’s power fade and his ties to the land snap.”

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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 3 Empty The Priest Card

Post  Jolly Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:52 pm

Madam Eva draws a second card and lays it over top of the Priest On it you see a snickering green dragon with a branching set of lines in the background.

Seek it in the heart of the wilds, far from human lands

Madam Eva places her hand on the deck again, preparing to draw another card.

The holiness of this item waits for equally holy hands to grasp it. But this alone cannot awaken its power.

Madam draws a third card and lays it horizontally over the other two. It depicts an eclipsed sun.

You must awaken the symbol you must bring it to join the other treasures of the castle .

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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 3 Empty The Knight Card

Post  Jolly Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:54 pm

Madam Eva draws another card and lays it over top of the Knight. On it you see the leering visage of a black dragon

Seek it where the river flows into the land.

Madam Eva places her hand on the deck again, preparing to draw another card.

The sword’s light sleeps

Madam draws a third card and lays it horizontally over the other two. It depicts a set of scales.

[color=blue]To wake it, bring the sword to the last holy place within the dark walls of the castle. color]

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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 3 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  synapse8193 Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:49 pm

Kalleth shifted as Madame Eva started drawing cards. A symbol older than even Strahd himself...a force of good and protection? Kalleth could now add confused to uncomfortable. Did this mean they had to appeal to one of the Nine? In his experience that was a long wait for a portal that didn't open. He sighed...great. Gods meant temples and churches. The one thing that made him quite possibly more uncomfortable than fortunetellers and oracles.

((OOC: Is the holy symbol on the card recognizable as that of a specific god? Is this even relevant?))

A sword of light. A weapon...that was something Kalleth could get behind. A weapon of vengeance. Good. This was getting a little better.

Where humans plumb their darkest nature? This was more like the talk Kalleth would have expected from an oracle. Dammit. Why the hell couldn't these people be clear?

Kalleth shifted again, still uncomfortable. Three defiled places; from what he'd seen, the "Master" had defiled this whole land, so Kalleth guessed a land more defiled than the rest of the land.

Well, the drow will like that we have to break into the castles treasure troves, I'm sure, Kalleth thought as he let Madame Eva finish.

So their task was to find a holy symbol, a book made from human flesh, some holy avenging sword, reunite the three pieces of some ancient relic, then take this whole menagerie, break into the count's castle and reunite this all with his treasure hoards. Well, at least they were going to get the grand tour of Barovia.

Kalleth thought a moment, then asked.

"I'm sure the 'Master' has spies all over this land. Is there a way of keeping the Count from seeing what we're doing? To give us at least a temporary element of surprise?"

Posts : 115
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
Hit Points:
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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 3 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Jolly Sat Sep 11, 2010 10:26 pm

Ilsine considers for a moment before responding to Kalleth.

”I'm not entirely sure we need to worry about Strahd...at least for the time being.” The old man notices the confused expression on his companion's faces.

”If Strahd's power is as far reaching and potent as claimed, and we have seen nothing yet to suggest otherwise, then it stands to reason that the count already knows our intentions. And yet we encountered almost no resistance since coming here. Strahd could likely slay us where we stand and yet here we are. Something is amiss. Oh great Madam, surely your powers of divination could enlighten us to Strahd's intentions.”

Eva scans the party with ancient, knowing eyes, her features taking on an air of sadness-perhaps even regret.

”Know that if delve too deeply, if you follow this path, that you will find only sadness and pain. For I seen you before, in my dreams, and the images haunt me still.”

The old crone extends a wrinkled finger and points to each of you, telling a dire tale.

Falcor:Your closest companion will betray you.
Kalleth:You will cry out as you never have before.
Sylvain:”The hunter will know what it means to be hunted.”
Twitch:There is something on your back.
Ilsine:”And you...you have already seen your end.”

“Knowing this, do you still wish to know?” Only nods

Madam Eva nods and draws a card from the top of her deck and lays it face up before you. It depicts a leering devil, holding some sort of profane rod over numerous mortals who writhe within a pit of fire.

He who dwells in Castle Ravenloft is a powerful man whose enemy is light and whose powers are beyond mortality. You will seek him in the castle, and though he may find you many times, you will find him only once.

Madam Eva draws a second card and lays it over top of the Devil. On it you see a gold dragon cast against a brilliant sun.

You will find him where the light lies dead, slain by his own darkness.

Madam Eva places her hand on the deck again, preparing to draw another card.

Out of the darkness and chaos this card finds its reason and foundation. It shows the purpose of all things-the key to life and death and else beyond.

Madam draws a third card and lays it horizontally over the other two. It depicts a radiant maiden holding five arrows in her left hand.

The darkness desires light, death seeks the warmth of the living. The master will have a bride. But there is more-

Madam Eva extends a bony finger towards the card but suddenly stops. She throws her head back and shrieks as a ruby red light pours from her mouth and eyes. She speaks, but her voice is that of another…one you have to recognize all too well.

“Ah ah ah, Eva. Can't have you ruining all of my fun. Not now, not when everything is so close. You've gotten bold these last few years: how many would be heroes have you sent barging into my home? I think you've forgotten who it is that commands this land. Perhaps you and your little gypsies were reminded.”

Sense Motive or Spot DC 24

Outside you can hear screaming and baleful howl. Dashing outside you see Vistani men and women fleeing in terror from giant lupine shapes with fiery red eyes. Your adventuring know-how immediately tells you that the creatures are more than simple wolves, but rather worgs, large, evil, and intelligent canines. But you also know that the howl you just heard wasn't made by worgs. Something else is out there....


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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 3 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Chucklossus Sun Sep 12, 2010 9:29 am

Initiative: 16

OOC: how many hours have passed since our last fight? (so that I know how much wisdom I have)

Falcor runs out flourishing his hammer. With his feet firmly planted, tail swaying, and hammer firmly gripped in front of him Falcor lets out a bestial roar and yells, "Come you mangy dogs and taste the rage of the true Master and his Bloodscales"


Posts : 46
Join date : 2010-07-24

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Name: Falcor Bloodscale
Class and Level: Monstrous Human lvl 7, Fighter lvl 3
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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 3 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  synapse8193 Sun Sep 12, 2010 10:18 am

Ilsine brought up a good point. No...Strahd wasn't fooling with them, for the moment. Why? Why would he let them...? No...he wasn't letting them. He could simply stop them any time he wanted, if his power were truly what it seemed from all they'd learned. He supposedly controlled the very land...he could easily stop them any number of ways...perhaps even banishment without killing a one of them, although Kalleth had no doubts that Strahd had the stomach to kill. So the question was not why he let them entertain their quest, so much as why did he want them to do so?

Seen us before? Kalleth could not keep a shudder running up and down his spine. He hated fortune-tellers.

Your closest companion will betray you. Kalleth shot a worried gaze at his brother. No. He could think of no one but himself to whom that could refer...no...he couldn't.... Stop doing this, Kalleth, this got you in trouble before. How could he betray his own brother? Was he the supposed betrayer at all? Who else was closer to Falkor?

((OOC: Who is physically closest to Falkor right now?))

You will cry out as you never have before. This one had Kalleth turning to the fortune-teller. His head was spinning, trying to calculate all the possibilities. How? Did she know what he'd lost? What could possibly lose that was worse? The thought that the betrayal of his brother might actually fit the bill entered his mind, and he could not push it aside. Dammit, Kalleth, get ahold of yourself. Stop trying to figure it out. Stop trying to analyze it. You know better than anyone that it will destroy you to try. Kalleth sighed, trying to bring his spinning head to a stand-still as the other fortunes came. He was about to physically look at Twitch's back when he heard the prediction leveled at Ilsine. That didn't sound good...as a matter of fact, that sounded downright bad...familiar.... He turned to look at his companion a moment.

Knowing this, do you still wish to know? The question brought everything back into focus. Kalleth's head no longer swam possibilities, and, just as it was so many years ago, suddenly became utterly clear and with purpose. I am not going to back down now, Fate be damned. That's right, Fate be damned. Kalleth Grimcursed has tasted your venom and will likely taste more. Fate has it out for me anyway. I may as well accomplish something along the way. Kalleth nodded assertively in response to her question.

Madame Eva went on, and Kalleth dutifully and diligently took note of all she said, filing it away for later. The master will have a bride? Ireena. It had to be. It explained his behavior toward her at the town earlier that day. But why her?

No! No! Dammit Strahd! Kalleth's hand rushed to his sword as Strahd's voice issued from Madame Eva's mouth. But he did not draw until he heard the screaming.

Rushing out, Kalleth saw worgs tearing up the camp...and the Vistani within. His eyes flashed with rage and adrenalin as he drew his sword, spinning it by the pommel in his right hand before bringing it at the ready, high and to the side, a highly offensive position, in both hands.

His eyes zeroed in on the nearest worg and he spat, Why don't you come try to bite something that can bite back, you filthy dog!

Checks: both utterly failed.
Initiative: 21
Stance: On his first available action Kalleth assumes Punishing Stance, giving him +1d6 damage, but -2 AC.

Posts : 115
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
Hit Points:
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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 3 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Red Ninja Sun Sep 12, 2010 12:32 pm

A piercing howl shatters his thoughts, Veraun leaps to his feet only to be knocked down again as his companions come rushing out.

"What the hell is going on?!" he cries seeking answers while drawing his own sword. Veraun then sees the worgs running by chasing down vistani people. Falkor screams his rage and the forever scowling human Kalleth raise their weapons in anticipation of battle. Unsure of whether or not he cares about these people Veraun does know that the worgs will turn on his companions sooner or later. Veraun sends his familiar high into the air to seek out the source of the unholy noise that preceded the attack. Placing himself directly beside Kalleth he launches magic missile at the nearest worg.

"Listen... they're playing our song!" Veraun says to Kalleth with a smirk on his face.

Initiative - 17
Magic missile damage - 11
Red Ninja
Red Ninja

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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 3 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Jolly Wed Sep 15, 2010 8:49 am

Initiative Order
Worgs Kalleth Veraun Falcor Ilsine Sylvain Vistani

On the map, H's stand for adult Vistani and 1/2 stands for children.

Worgs 1 and 4: Eat babies!
Worgs 2 and 3: Attack Vistani
Kalleth: 1d6 damage, -2 AC.
Veraun: Hit; 11 to Worg 1
Vistani: All move towards the fire, except for the two towards the bottom. The one attacked is prone and being mauled, while his companion moves to J7.

The party rushes out to a slaughter: the worgs have already torn into two adults, and in the dim light of the fire they can see two other worgs with smaller forms in their girzzly jaws. Veraun, though startled by the beast's intrusion, is able to fire off a barrage of spells at one of the worgs, though not in time to save the little girl.

The Vistani rush towards the fire, hoping to use it for protection, or at least avoid whatever lurks in the shadows. One Vistani by the name of Ivan Ibnok abandons his own brother, Leir, and rushes towards the safety of the bushes.


OOC: For the record, Vistani adults can withstand two hits a piece, while children can withstand only 1 hit. The fire illuminates the circle of wagons and tents, but not beyond. Even Veraun, with his natural darkvision, has trouble seeing through the darkness (-2 to Spot). Anyone without darkvision is effectively blind.

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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 3 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Chucklossus Wed Sep 15, 2010 8:15 pm

Falcor lifts his hammer above his head and charges Worg 1 bringing the greathammer down mercilessly upon the worg's head.

Attack: 44 Critical Hit!
damage: 91 lethal damage


Posts : 46
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Falcor Bloodscale
Class and Level: Monstrous Human lvl 7, Fighter lvl 3
Hit Points:
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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 3 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  synapse8193 Thu Sep 16, 2010 9:30 am

Action: Move six squares to D12, avoiding the W1's new position. Attack.
Maneuver: Flesh Ripper, -4 to attacks and AC for one round on a hit (DC 17 Fort negates)
Damage on a Hit: 23

Our song, Kalleth laughed, drunk with adrenaline. Then let the war-drums pound, for I know this song well! Now to make my sword dance! Kalleth charged, straight for the second-closest worg as he nodded to his brother to take the closest, and with a mighty swing, he brings his sword toward the worg's haunches.

Last edited by synapse8193 on Thu Sep 16, 2010 8:05 pm; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 115
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
Hit Points:
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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 3 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Night Breed Thu Sep 16, 2010 9:52 am

Sylvain fires 2 arrows into W4


Attack2: 31

W4 is under the effect of Fairy Fire for 1 round.
Grants combat advantage to next attacker.

Initiative 23

Last edited by Night Breed on Thu Sep 16, 2010 9:53 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added initiative)

Night Breed

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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 3 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Red Ninja Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:18 pm

A shiver of excitement courses down Verauns spine. Battle and chaos has ever been a familiar lover to his psyche. Noting the purple flames licking around an unfortunate worg Veraun lays into it with scorching ray, laughing in spite of those dying screams of "mere humans". He aims his second ray at another worg intent on finishing its meal of a human child.

Attack = 16 against W4 / 19 against W1

Damage 19 / 11
Red Ninja
Red Ninja

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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 3 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Jolly Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:55 pm

Final Initiative Order
Worgs and Sylvain-Barghast-Kalleth-Veraun-Falcor-Ilsine-Vistani

Sylvain: 2 hits, slid into F15 (had to move to get line of sight); takes 5 damage
Kalleth: hit; slid to F10; takes 15 damage
Veraun: 2 hits; W1 and W4 expire; slides to E16; takes 10 damage
Falcor: crits, W2 expires (take THAT income tax!); slides to F14; takes 5 damage
Ilsine: to E12, casts Sanctuary on both children
W3: to J11; hit, kills
W5: to E19; hit, 5 damage and slides
W6: to C12; hit, 5 damage and slides
W7: to E10; hit, 10 damage and slides
W8: to D16; hit 5 damage and slides
W9: to E18; hit 5 damage and slides
W10: to G16; hit 5 damage and slides
Vistani Children: to G9 and H13
Barghast: Occupies J7, J8, K7, and K8

A flash of steel in fire light and Kalleth is on W1, slicing into it to avenge the slain child. Sylvain moves to a favorable position and loses twin hissing bolts, striking his lupine foe squarely as Veraun laughs somewhat maniacally and fires his favored spell. Two worgs howl in pain before burning to death.

Falcor, hoping to protect the survivors, rushes forward at W2. The worg turns to him and lunges. The crushing force of a 200+ lbs beast leaping down on a target with murderous intent is truly a force to be reckoned-if it had not sacrificed mobility to do so. Knowing there is no time to attack properly Falcor thrusts the hilt of his hammer forward, impaling the lunging thing through its left eye. The end of the shaft breaks out slight above the right shoulder. His draconic power coursing, he heaves the weapon upwards and slams it down, breaking the whole of the creature in one mighty blow. He rips his weapon from the corpse and roars triumphantly-and deathly howl responds

Ilsine rushes forward and casts a potent ward on the children, protecting them from further harm. His blood freezes at the unearthly howl-a faint light of recognition.

THE TRAP IS SPRUNG! From out of the darkness and behind the wagons and tents leap half a dozen more worgs, their eyes like fiery coals, snapping at the party members viciously and harrying them towards the fire. Into a tight knit group...encircled.

Leir Ibnok, savaged by his worg attacker, reaches out a hand to his brother, Ivan. The cowardly brother turns to face his own flesh and blood and tears pour from his face. He draws a dagger and prepares to avenge his brother-

A massive clawed hand...or paw...easily the size of the man's while torso, springs from the bushes and snatches him up in one fell swoop. Their is the sickening sound of snapping bones and of muffled screams.

"My Master!" shrieks Beleth, Veraun's (newly acquired?) imp, "it is hear!"

There is a rustle of bushes, a titan blur of darkness...and something within you panics. The creature before you is massive-too great for any right or natural thing. Standing no less than 6 ft at the shoulder and easily 12 ft from snout to tail, the thing bears a passing resemblence to something like a monstrous wolf and an infernal goblin. Its eyes are solid orbs of fiery orange, its maw filled with jagged, gore stained teeth. Its gaze is both bestial and intelligent, evil pours out of the creature. And then, impossibly....it speaks.

"Death to all who defy Strahd! Death to Vistani, to dragon, to drow! Death to all things!"

Kalleth, Sylvain, Ilsine, and all the Vistani are dazed this round. They can only take a single action requiring less than a full round to perform (so you can either move or attack, for example).

Arcana DC 15

Arcana DC 20

Arcana or Religion DC 25

OOC: The worgs have the party caught in their Circle Formation, which causes you all to grant combat advantage.


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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 3 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Red Ninja Fri Sep 17, 2010 4:31 am

"Oh my..." Veraun whispered looking at the barghast. He knew of the creatures vaguely from his time in the drow school of magic called Sorcere. The one before him though was massive for its kind to be on this plane though. Overcoming his shock quickly; and noticing that a few of his companions did not, he set Baleth to the sky with a whispered order. Veraun then wasted no time using his Ring of Mystic Fire's and letting loose two more beams of Scorching Ray at the 2 worgs closest to each other.

"Pay attention fools or we'll all die!" Veraun scolded the surface dwellars. "Ill destroy the dogs if you can hold the barghast at bay!"

Worg5 / Worg9

ATK = 13 / 18

DMG = 31 / 27
Red Ninja
Red Ninja

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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 3 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Chucklossus Fri Sep 17, 2010 6:17 am

Falcor wipes the remains of the worg off his hammer.

Undaunted by the Barghast's size, only a few inches taller than himself, Falcor treads confidently to H11 putting himself between the Barghast and the party, "finally an opponent worth of a Bloodscale"

Falcor points his hammer to the Barghast, "prepare to die you infernal mutt"

Falcor charges the Barghast aiming his hammer for the beast's shoulder

Attack: 36
Damage: 30 lethal


Posts : 46
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Falcor Bloodscale
Class and Level: Monstrous Human lvl 7, Fighter lvl 3
Hit Points:
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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 3 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Jolly Sat Sep 18, 2010 8:53 am

The gang bang is about to begin...

Worg 3: to G13; avoids fire; hit, 10 damage to Falcor
Worg 5: to D13; hit, 7 damage to Ilsine
Worg 6: to D12; hit, 10 damage to Ilsine
Worg 7: misses Kalleth
Worg 8: hits; 7 damage to Veraun
Worg 9: to E17; hits, 10 damage to Veraun
Worg 10: hits, 12 damage to Sylvain and knocked prone
Sylvain: spends his action to stand
Barghast: to H11/I12; Kalleth, Falcor, and Sylvain are shaken (-2 to attacks and saves)
Kalleth: shifts to G11; hit, 24 damage to barghast
Veraun: 1 hit, 27 damage to W9, bloodies; takes 5 damage from opportunity attack incurred
Falcor: to G15; hit, W10 expires
Ilsine: +2 AC, heals Veraun for 18
Ireena: to C16; hit, 15 damage to W8, bloodies

The worgs savage the party, darting around to gain more favorable positions and exploiting their trapped foes. Veraun, in particular, is the target of their ire. So powerful is one worg's attack that it actually knocks Sylvain to the ground, and it is all the ranger can muster to stand upright once more.

The true terror comes, though, when the great barghast leaps forward and lets out a soul-splintering howl. Its tone resonates with such monstrous power that many of the heroes find their resolve shaken. Falcor, bolder than the rest, dares to peer into the beast's eyes....and then turns to strike the nearby worg instead.


Ilsine, fearing for the drow's safety points his staff towards him and utters a short prayer. Silver light erupts from the elf's wounds and they are partially recovered.

Suddenly, out of the blackness yet another shape emerges-a leaping, red haired figure. As her blade bites into the flank of a worg, you instantly recognize Ireena.

"As I said, I am no shrieking violet!

W3- 0 damage; Worg 5-0 damage; W6-0 damage; W7-0 damage; W8-15 damage; W9-27 damage; W10-0 damage
Barghast: 24 damage

Sylvain: 48 HP
Kalleth-: 105 HP
Veraun: 28 HP, spent spells: 3 Lvl 2 spells, 1 lvl 1 spell, and 1 lvl 3 spell
Falcor: 100 HP
Ilsine: 58 HP
Ireena: fresh

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Join date : 2010-07-16

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Post  Chucklossus Sat Sep 18, 2010 10:03 am

Falcor shakes his head as if trying to escape some invisible net. Feeling an alien presence within his head Falcor reaches into his belt revealing the sliver he was given by Ilsine and quickly breaking it between his teeth.

OOC: Potion of Owl's Wisdom used, Falcor gains +4 wisdom for 5 minutes.

Feeling his resolve strengthen, Falcor shifts to F14, lets out a deafening roar, and swings his hammer for greater momentum before landing it squarely upon crown of Worg 3's head.

Will save: 25

Attack: 41
Damage: 37 lethal


Posts : 46
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Falcor Bloodscale
Class and Level: Monstrous Human lvl 7, Fighter lvl 3
Hit Points:
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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 3 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Red Ninja Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:39 pm

"I hate filthy creatures." Veraun muttered as he side stepped to his right (D17) and turned looking at (to drow standards) a perfect line of worgs. He then took advantage of the worgs turning to him to blast three of the beasts with a lightning bolt.

W5, W6, and W9.

ATK = 17

DMG = 22

Meanwhile Beleth floated right in front of a worg beside the barghest in an attempt to make eye contact and casts charm on the beast.
Red Ninja
Red Ninja

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Join date : 2010-08-12

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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 3 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  synapse8193 Sat Sep 18, 2010 6:37 pm

Kalleth stood shaking, head buzzing and ears ringing. He lifted his sword, again, whipping his spinning head around and shouting, with continued bravado.

Is that the best you've got?

Last edited by synapse8193 on Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:42 am; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 115
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
Hit Points:
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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 3 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Jolly Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:19 am

Readied Action: Vistani flee into right wagon-removed from combat

W3: to F12; hit, 15 damage to Kalleth
W5: hit, 15 damage to Ilsine
W6: miss, 5 damage to Ilsine
W7: miss, 5 damage to Kalleth
W8: miss, 5 damage to Veraun
W9: hit, 10 damage to Veraun
Sylvain: 2 hits, 15 damage to W5 and W6, STUNNED
Barghast: shifts to G10-11 and H10-11; hit, 30 vile damage to Kalleth
Kalleth: STUNNED
Veraun: to F18 hit, W5 W6 and W8 expire, 3 damage and immobilized
Ilsine: heals all part members for 11 HP
Ireena: to D16; hit, W9 expires

The worgs continue to savage the party even as Sylvain plugs two with his unerring shots. The mighty barghast strides forward and delivers a horrendous bite into Kalleth's left side, nearly ripping off his arm. Kalleth recoils in agony and horror. The pain is like acidic fire, the wound instantly necrotizes while still bleeding, defying all laws of nature-almost as if the natural world rejects the injury outright. The roar of triumph from the beast is so awesome, so malevolent that Kalleth and his brother, along with the already shaken ranger must search deep within just to find the resolve to stand.

Veraun, though intimidated, slithers into position and unleashes a bolt of lightning, felling three worgs with a single shot. Beleth swoops down onto W3 and attempts to use its infernal guile on the creature...but no avail.

Ilsine channels the power of his staff to heal the party slightly, while Ireena slays another worg.


W3- 0 damage; W7-0 damage; W10-0 damage
Barghast: 24 damage

Sylvain: 59 HP, STUNNED on next turn
Kalleth: 56 HP (30 vile damage), no longer dazed, shaken, or stunned
Veraun: 21 HP, SHAKEN (-2 to attacks and saves for rest of encounter) spent spells: 3 Lvl 2 spells, 1 lvl 1 spell, and 2 lvl 3 spell
Falcor: 105 HP, no longer charmed or shaken
Ilsine: 49 HP-out of ranged heal spells, no longer dazed, shaken, or stunned
Ireena: fresh

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Join date : 2010-07-16

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Castle Ravenloft Adventure - Page 3 Empty Re: Castle Ravenloft Adventure

Post  Valishn Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:15 am

Initiative: 18

action: move from C18 to G12. Attack on the Barghast
attack: 34
damage: 11

Twitch, who had been distracted by his own thoughts (what strange ones they may be), was brought back into the world of the sane by the telling of his fortune. Upon hearing those words, he proceeded to tumble onto the ground, rolling around and trying to get a better view of what might be sitting on his back. Several times he attempted to reach around and grab the thing, shouting loudly, "Uncle Ed, I knew you were still here! I thought the grass had gotten you! And the bees ate my big toe nail! Uncle Ed!!"

He proceeded on like this even as the attack of the worgs began, flailing around on the ground and trying to get a hold of what was on his back. Finally, he reached around once and grabbed a fist full of it! He was sure he had it! He tugged hard, pulling uncomfortably with a fist full of shirt. This was an odd sensation, and it distracted him from Uncle Ed. Now he was curious what it was he was pulling on that would pull on him too.

This continued on for several seconds longer until he heard the barghast let loose its tremendous howl. Twitch immediately stopped and sat up, looking outside. "PUPPY!" he scream and shrieked with delight, obviously equating the howl to a tender little new born doggy. He leaped to his feet and rushed outside the tent, glancing this way and that until he spotted the barghast and excitedly hopped from one foot to the other, chanting and singing as he did, "Puppy playtime, puppy playtime pup-py play time, puppy play time, yay!!!"

Stomping on the ground a couple of times, grinning in excitement, Twitch grabbed the handles of both his short swords, Stitches and Needles. He was prepared to rush over to the puppy's side until he noticed that there were so many in his way. All kinds of smaller puppies... but Twitch wanted to play with the BIG puppy.... Luck was on his side, though, as before his eyes the worgs were all taken down at the road to the big puppy cleared! With a demented smile, he charged p to the big puppy without cation and began to play, giggling as he started and yelling as he thrusts, "Stabby!!!"

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Join date : 2010-08-05

Character sheet
Name: Demi
Class and Level: lvl 1 Cleric
Hit Points:
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