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Character Sheets Empty Character Sheets

Post  Jolly Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:18 pm

Kalleth Grimcursed
10th level Warblade
SPD: 35 ft. (7 squares, 6+1i)

Str; 20 (18+2i), 5 (i=belt of giant’s strength)
Dex; 14 (14), 2
Con; 18 (14+2+2i), 4 (i=amulet of health)
Int; 20 (16+2+2i), 5 (i=headband of intellect)
Wis; 12 (12), 1
Cha; 10 (10), 0

HP 141

Fort 11 (7+4)
Ref 10 (3+2+5c)
Will 6 (3+1+2f)

22 (10+2+10)
22 (10+2+10)
12 (10+2+0)

BAB, +10/+5
Str mod, +5
1.5x Str mod, +7
Masterwork weapon, +1
Weapon Focus, +1

17/12 one-handed, 16/11 no focus, 13/8 no proficiency, 12/7 neither
19/14 two-handed, 18/13 no focus, 15/10 no proficiency, 14/9 neither

Class Features and Feats
1. Battle Clarity – Add Int mod to Ref while not flat-footed; Weapon Aptitude – Take one hour every morning to change weapon focus
2. Uncanny Dodge – Never denied Dex bonus to AC do to being flat-footed
3. Battle Ardor – Add Int bonus to confirm critical hits
6. Improved Uncanny Dodge – Cannot be flanked
7. Battle Cunning – Gain Int mod bonus to damage against flanked and flat-footed opponents

1. Adaptive Style - Change readied maneuvers as full round action
H1. Jack of All Trades - ranks = to 1/2 level in all untrained skills. May make any skill check untrained.
H2. Iron Will - +2 Will
3. Improved Initiative - +4 initiative
B5. Weapon Focus (bastard sword)
6. Martial Stance – Absolute Steel Stance
9. Quick Draw
B9. Martial Stance – Dancing Blade Form

Maneuvers – recovered as a swift action
1. Sapphire Nightmare Blade*, Stone Bones*, Leading the Attack
2. Steel Wind
3. Mountain Hammer
4r. Stone Vise (replaces Steel Wind)
5. Bone Crusher
7. Death From Above*
8r. White Raven Strike (replaces Mountain Hammer)*
9. Elder Mountain Hammer*

1. Punishing Stance
4. Blood in the Water
6f. Absolute Steel Stance
9f. Dancing Blade Form
10. Giant’s Stance

Magic Items
Amulet of Health, +2; 1000
Belt of Giant’s Strength, +2; 1000
Boots of Striding and Springing, +5 speed, +4 jump
Headband of Intellect, +2; 1000
Mithral Fullplate Armor, +10 Armor Bonus; Restful Crystal, SR 17 (+4); 16000
Mwk bastard sword; eager, ghost touch, ghost strike; 8000

+8 (2 Dex + 4 Imp. Init. + 2 eag.)

All Trained Skills, 13 ranks
All Untrained Skills, 5 ranks

Passive Skills
Hide, +7, Passive 17
Listen, +6, Passive 16
Sense Motive, +6, Passive 16
Spot, +6, Passive 16
Move Silently, +4, Passive 14

Skill Bonuses
Appraise (Int)
10 (5+5)
*-Balance (Dex)
14 (15+2-3)
Bluff (Cha)
5 (5+0)
*-Climb (Str)
15 (13+5-3)
*Concentration (Con)
16 (13+3)
*Craft (Int)
18 (13+5)
Decipher Script (Int)
10 (5+5)
*Diplomacy (Cha)
13 (13+0)
Disable Device
10 (5+5)
5 (5+0)
Escape Artist (Dex)
7 (5+2)
Forgery (Int)
10 (5+5)
Gather Information
5 (5+0)
Handle Animal
5 (5+0)
Heal (Wis)
6 (5+1)
Hide (Dex)
7 (5+2)
*Intimidate (Cha)
13 (13+0)
*Jump (Str)
15 (13+5-3)
Knowledge (arcana) (Int)
10 (5+5)
*Knowledge (history) (Int)
18 (13+5)
*Knowledge (local) (Int)
18 (13+5)
*Knowledge (martial) (Int)
18 (13+5)
Knowledge (nature) (Int)
10 (5+5)
Knowledge (nobility) (Int)
10 (5+5)
Knowledge (religion) (Int)
10 (5+5)
Listen (Wis)
6 (5+1)
Move Silently (Dex)
4 (5+2-3)
Profession (soldier) (Int)
10 (5+5)
Ride (Dex)
4 (5+2-3)
Search (Int)
10 (5+5)
Sense Motive (Wis)
6 (5+1)
Sleight of Hand
7 (5+2)
Spellcraft (Int)
10 (5+5)
Spot (Wis)
6 (5+1)
*Swim (Str)
12 (13+5-6)
*Tumble (Dex)
12 (13+2-3)
Use Magic Item (Cha)
5 (5+0)
Use Rope (Dex)
7 (5+2)


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Join date : 2010-07-16

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Character Sheets Empty Twitch

Post  Jolly Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:22 pm

Human, male, BLS 50

HP 95

Str 18 4
Con 14 2
Dex 22 6
Int 10 0
Wis 12 1
Cha 14 2

AC 20
Flat-footed 11
Touch 19

Fort 8
Ref 10
Will 4

Mwk Vampiric Energy aura Ethereal reaper shortsword (x2)
Gloves of Dexterity, +2

Hand BAB Ability TWF Temporary
1 13 9 6 -2 shortsword
1 13 9 6 -2
2 13 9 6 -2 shortsword
2 13 9 6 -2
2 10 9 6 -5
1 8 4 6 -2 shortsword
2 8 4 6 -2 shortsword
2 5 4 6 -5

Fleet of Foot
Two Weapon Fighting
Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Combat Reflexes
Quick Draw
Weapon Finesse
Two Weapon Defense

Hide +1, Passive 11
Listen +1, Passive 11
Move Silently +8, Passive 18
Spot +1, Passive 11

Posts : 160
Join date : 2010-07-16

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Character Sheets Empty Sylvain

Post  Jolly Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:23 pm

lvl 9 Elf Ranger

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, Deity: Noble Drifter, Gender: Male, Age: 173, Size: Medium, Height: 5’, Weight: 120lb, Complexion: Pale, Hair: Dark Brown, Eyes: Deep Green

HP 65

speed 30

STR 14, +2
DEX 26, +8
CON 12, +1
INT 10, +0
WIS 16, +3
CHA 12, +1

Fort 7
REF 14

Spot: 15
Listen: 15
Hide: 19
Move Silently: 19
Sense Motive: 2

AC: 21 Flat-footed: 16, Touch: 15

Melee 17/12, Ranged 17/12, Grapple 11

Initiative 8

+1 Hunting Elven Courtblade, dam: 1d10+3, crit: (18-20)/X2
Increases damage by 4 vs favored enemies
+2 Revealing Composite Longbow, range: 110ft, dam: 1d8+4, crit: X3
Any opponent struck is outlined in magical flames for 1 round as the Faerie fire spell, No -4 penalty for shooting into a crowd

Combat Notes
+7 bonus to damage against Humanoid Undead and Nonhumanoid Undead
Whenever you hit an enemy with a weapon attack that enemy is considered flanked by you for the purpose of adjudicating your allies’ attacks. This condition lasts until the enemy is attacked by one of your allies or until the start of your next turn.
+2 on ranged attacks against distant flat-footed targets, +4 on hide checks after sniping attack
+1d6 damage vs evil humanoid undead

Racial Abilities
Low-Light Vision, Immune to magic sleep effects, If within 5 feet of secret or concealed door you’re entitled to a Search check to notice it as if you’re actively looking for it

Class Features
Archery Combat Style: Rapid Shot, Manyshot bonus feats
Track, Wild Empathy, Endurance bonus feat, Woodland Stride, Swift Tracker, Evasion, Distracting Attack
Favored Enemies: Humanoid Undead, Nonhumanoid Undead
Sense and pinpoint the exact location of humanoid undead within 60ft
+4 bluff, listen, sense motive, Spot, Survival vs. Humanoid Undead and Nonhumanoid Undead

Weapon Finesse
Able Sniper
Nemesis: Humanoid Undead
Improved Favored Enemy

Common, Elven

+6 Gloves of Dexterity

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Join date : 2010-07-16

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Character Sheets Empty Veraun Del'Armgo

Post  Jolly Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:24 pm

Name Race
Varaun Del'Armgo Drow
Age Height
86 5'1"
Class Weight
Sorcerer level 7 114 lbs
Alignment Eye Color
chaotic nuetral Red
Hair Color

STR 14 WIS 10
INT 14 CON 15
DEX 16 CHA 21

HP INIT 14+3 IMMUNE - Magical Sleep SPEED 30ft VULNERABLE - light blindness

Languages: Common, Elven, Undercommon, Drow Sign, Abyssal, Draconic

Special Qualities-

Immune to magical sleep
+2 racial bonus to saves vs. enchantments
Darkvision to 120 ft.
Spell resistance 11 + class level
Dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire once/day each
Light Blindness: you are dazed for 1 round when suddenly exposed to bright light.

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Character Sheets Empty Falcor Bloodscale

Post  Jolly Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:24 pm

Falkor Bloodscale
lvl 7 Monstrous humanoid
lvl 2 Fighter

Lawful Neutral, Iron Master, Male, 62 years old, Size Large, Height 8’10”,
Weight 400lb, Complexion Ruddy, Hair Black, Eyes Yellow with red flecks

HP 105

Speed Land 30

STR 30 +10
DEX 14 +2
CON 20 +5
INT 14 +2
WIS 18 +4
CHA 18 +4

Fort 10
Ref 7
Will 9

AC: 24 Flat-footed: 22, Touch: 11
2/- damage reduction

Spot: 14
Listen: 14
Hide: -7
Move Silently: -2
Sense Motive: 8

Melee 18, Ranged 10, Grapple 18

Initiative: 2

+2 Maiming Goliath Greathammer of Mercy, dam: 4d6 +14 crit: (19-20) X4 +3d6
Deals either lethal or nonlethal damage on command, +2 to sunder and enemy’s weapon or shield

Natural Attacks
Claws, dam: 1d6 +5 (each), crit: X2
Tail, dam: 2d6 +15, crit: X2, Adamantine and Magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction

Racial abilities
Detect Magic as an At-Will Spell like ability

Darkvision 60ft
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Goliath Greathammer)
Improved Critical (Goliath Greathammer)
Weapon Focus (Goliath Greathammer)
Weapon Specialization (Goliath Greathammer)
Greater Weapon Focus (Goliath Greathammer)

Draconic, Common,
Dwarven, Elven

+6 Belt of Giant Strength
Tailbands of Impact

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