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Character Discussion Empty Character Discussion

Post  Jolly Fri Aug 06, 2010 3:19 pm

NPC: Human Archivist 9
Neutral Good

Also known as Ilsine of Brightwater, this archivist wanders the land in the name of the Night Shroud god of knowledge, seeking out lore for his church. He plunders libraries, ruins, and all manner of places in search of secrets on the dark and terrible forces which threaten the world, hoping to use that knowledge against his foes. Lore is his ultimate treasure, and he has been known to become too engrossed in his work from time to time. A reoccurring item of interest for him is a book called The Memories of Xarak, though not even he is sure what it might contain.

For his part in the Cleansing of Ashenport, a town of sea-demon worshippers, Ilsine was awarded the Light of Brightwater, a potent magical staff. Ilsine hopes to put an end to Strahd's reign over Barovia for obvious benevolent reasons. In addition, he plans to raid Strahd's library and use the vast stores of necromantic lore to improve his ability to combat the undead.


As an archivist I'm pretty much a cleric who casts like a wizard, but I can use any divine spell I can find. As such I have a surprising amount of damaging spells and I can devote most of my spells per day to them because bought several magic wands of healing and buffing spells (which I just lumped together into one magic staff).

Surprisingly, I can't turn or rebuke undead so don't ask me to.

I modified humans to make them more viable, granting them 2 bonus feats at first level. I'm debating on whether to take Reach Spell, which would let me heal you from a distance a couple of times per day or Energize Spell which increases my damage to undead by 50%. Thoughts?

Last edited by Admin on Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:07 am; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 160
Join date : 2010-07-16

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Character Discussion Empty Falcor Bloodscale

Post  Chucklossus Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:14 pm

Dragonkin 7HD
ecl 9 (no class)
Lawful Neutral

Falcor is just short of 9ft tall with a long black main flowing from his crest and ruddy dull silver scales that appear to be tinged with drying blood. Also known as Falcor the Arbiter, Falcor travels with his accursed brother searching for magic items to sate their draconic lust and add to the vaults of the Iron Master. In exchange for family heirlooms and other powerful relics Falcor offers his services as judge, jury and executioner. Though Falcor isn’t beneath acquisitioning the hoards of those judged guilty obtaining such items by less than honorable means. His ultimate treasure is the Helm of the Adamantine Dragon, a great relic fabled to be worn by the Iron Master himself during the Dawn War.

For helping free the Daggerspine passes of the Stone Giant slavers, Falcor was gifted a merciful greathammer from the Goliath clans of the region with the capability of dealing either lethal or nonlethal damage. Falcor hopes to bring Strahd to justice for his tyranny and hoarding of a region. Also, he hopes to empty Strahd’s keep of its wealth to rebuild the realm and discover a means of dissolving his brother of his cursed humanity.


As a Dragonkin Falcor possesses great strength and is large in size, he can fly and is strong enough to carry 1000lb without hampered movement or speed. He can detect magic at will and has darkvision to 60ft.


Posts : 46
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Falcor Bloodscale
Class and Level: Monstrous Human lvl 7, Fighter lvl 3
Hit Points:
Character Discussion Left_bar_bleue120/120Character Discussion Empty_bar_bleue  (120/120)

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Character Discussion Empty Re: Character Discussion

Post  synapse8193 Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:05 am

Kalleth Krogash (also Kalleth Bloodscale or Kalleth Grimcursed)
9th Level warblade
Tentative Alignment: N or LN, although alignments anywhere along the center and left of the alignment chart might play out

Note: The following backstory and personality are significantly modified from the Kalleth that was originally in the campaign. This is to provide a character that will not feel obligated to baby-sit Aleira, but with whom Kimmons can still toy and annoy and do his beloved mind-screw stuff. This is also to provide a character with whom Charlie's new character may be related.

Kalleth was born Kalleth Bloodscale, member of the powerful dragonkin race, direct descendant of the lords of the Arkhosian Empire. As such, he was raised and taught in a strong martial tradition, and when he came of age, went out, seeking honor, glory, and adventure.

On his travels he met a companion, a human warrior named Tira, and the two adventured together becoming close friends. A chance encounter with an oracle in a town they were defending brought Kalleth ill news, however; Tira was fated to die: the Grim Swordsman willed it. Not telling Tira of the oracle's prediction, Kalleth sought out several wizards and clerics, having Tira blessed and endowed with luck. The appointed time came and Tira not only did not die, but turned an entire battle in the favor of the Nerathi defenders. The Swordsman took notice.

Kalleth was wracked with a painful disease, falling ill for many months; waking at the end of this disease Kalleth did not recognize the creature in the mirror, a human man. Kalleth hated his new body. This human form was pitifully unimpressive, weak, frail, and worst of all, could not fly. But Tira convinced him to continue fighting with her and, after a while, his relationship with her was enough to make even his human body bearable, even desirable. But even the growth of Kalleth's relationship with Tira was part of the Swordsman's plan, and when Kalleth had finally not only resolved himself to his true form, but embraced it and the future with Tira it made possible, the Swordsman sprung his trap.

Quelling a rebellion in part of Nerath, the two were abducted by worshipers of the Swordsman. Kalleth was kept in a pit; he was not strong enough to climb the whole way out, nor could he fly, both things he could have easily done in his old body. The worshipers of the Grim God tortured Tira on the level above for days, perhaps weeks, maybe even longer, they had no day or night in captivity, with mirrors placed so Kalleth could always see. When they'd finally killed her, they simply restrained and released Kalleth.

Kalleth made quick work of hunting down and killing the worshipers of the Swordsman that had done this, but the damage was done. Without revenge to sustain him, Kalleth spent a human lifetime in a drunken stupor, moving from town to town, one-night-stand to one-night-stand (including Aleira), mercenary job to mercenary job. Why did none of the gods help him? Not the Great Dragon, whou surely understood his motives. Not the Sovereign, enemy of the Swordsman. Not the Vanguard, god of protection. Not even the Iron Master, to whom Kalleth had devoted his life and honor. His own god.

Kalleth was still too proud to kill himself, besides which he doubted it would work anyway. He still aged no slower than his dragonkin relatives, another torment, centuries trapped in a feeble shell of a body. Finally, Kalleth's youngest brother Falcor found him, urging him out of his drunkenness and galvanizing him to find an end to his curse. Kalleth does not have the fervor or faith of his brother, but he tries to hide his faithlessness and bitterness under the guise of a driven and ruthless and brutal warrior. He tries to hide his status as one cured by the Grim Swordsman, as that often draws out mercenaries seeking to lengthen their lives and repels everyone else.

TO JOLLY: Since your stated goal is to combat undead, for story reasons I would go with Energize Spell as your feat. Both feats would be incredibly useful, and I can't really choose them on their merits as far as use.

TO CHARLIE: I believe you could forego some racial hit die for class levels.... I think it's been allowed before, but I may be mistaken.

Last edited by synapse8193 on Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 115
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Kalleth Korgash, AKA Kalleth Bloodscale, AKA Kalleth Grimcursed
Class and Level: 10th level Warblade
Hit Points:
Character Discussion Left_bar_bleue97/141Character Discussion Empty_bar_bleue  (97/141)

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Character Discussion Empty Re: Character Discussion

Post  Chucklossus Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:35 am

nah I'm happy to be classless


Posts : 46
Join date : 2010-07-24

Character sheet
Name: Falcor Bloodscale
Class and Level: Monstrous Human lvl 7, Fighter lvl 3
Hit Points:
Character Discussion Left_bar_bleue120/120Character Discussion Empty_bar_bleue  (120/120)

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Character Discussion Empty hope i did this rite lol

Post  Red Ninja Thu Aug 26, 2010 11:23 am

A noble male of House Barrison Del'Armgo, one of the great 8 houses of Menzoberranzan, Varaun was raised to put the matron's desires first. To always work for the house, and your own selfish desires later. Taught to fear and respect females above all and remember his place as a lowly male was his station. His job simple, raise house Del'Armgo to new heights under the spider queen.
During his tenure in Sorcere, drow school of magic and sorcery, he became self aware. His knack for magic and summoning of the infernal beings was almost divinely inspired. His teachers looked on him with great respect and jealousy. After an assassination attempt on his mother he was pulled from Sorcere without the chance to finish his schooling. He practiced in his rooms daily breaking only for food and the request to scry the nether for the house behind the attempt by his mother.
Months later he was approached by a male in the bazaar. His house was to fall. It was the will of Lolth, the spider queen. But he could save himself. Forget where he came from and come with this male to a place where a drow of his widespread reputation would flourish under the hand of another male! No longer would he bend and scrape. He could hold his head high if he only joined with a the notorious Bregan D'aerth. A mercenary group under renowned Jarlaxle Baenre.
How could he say no? Drow were not known for their loyalty after all, only their ability to survive. So Varaun left the bazaar that day with naught but his belongings. No longer a noble but a mercenary with few restrictions.
It wasn't long before he was sent on his first mission, and an odd one at that. He was to traverse the world above to scout out allies and resources for Bregan D'aerth. Jarlaxle wanted to expand to the world above and required smart and charismatic drow to go forth and set footholds for the mercenary band.
So it was on this very morning Varaun found himself walking into a scene from his days wandering the abyss in study... a man impaled on a stick. and humans gathered around in horror listening to a man CLEARLY as dead talking of justice.
Red Ninja
Red Ninja

Posts : 82
Join date : 2010-08-12

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